Application of AgroRemed for remediation of releases of leaded gasoline in PA
The project was located at a site in Frackville in PA, where there was a release of leaded gasoline from three underground storage tanks. Steve Vedder of EPS of Vermont of PA office was contacted for removing the tanks and carry out remediation of the contaminated soil as per the PA DEP standards. The company removed the underground storage tanks and injected AgroRemed in the soil as the impacted soil was at considerable depth as can be seen in the photographs of the operation. The contaminated soil was removed and was sent off-site for disposal along with the three underground tanks as mentioned in the ACT 2 Final Report submitted to the PA DEP in March 2017. The depth of impacted soil was between 9 feet BGs to 19 feet BGS and AgroRemed was introduced at the rate of 5 gallons per foot of the impacted area. The final soil characterization carried out in January 2017 showed that except for one sample all the soil samples showed values either non-detect of less than stipulated standards. There was no possibility of vapor intrusion. Final report by PA DEP shows that the site shows attainment of standards as per the residential site. There was no groundwater application as groundwater was not affected. There was no post-remediation plan. No further action was needed.