Apples Personal Voice to Adams Apple- An Apples to Apple Comparative Study
Voice Cloning Experiment, Date 15 January 2024

Apples Personal Voice to Adams Apple- An Apples to Apple Comparative Study

Examining Apple's Personal Voice: How Close Is It To Human Speech?

Apple's new Personal Voice feature, introduced in iOS 17, aims to create a synthesized voice that sounds natural and human-like for each user. I conducted an informal experiment comparing actual human voice with a personalized voice sythetically generated by Apple's technology. The goal was to analyze how close Apples vocal synthesis mimicked real human speech.

For an apples-to-apples comparison, the test conditions were the same. The phrase 'I am driving at this moment' was used to generate both human speech and Apple's synthetic Personal Voice , which synthesized the same phrase in a human personalized voice. I compared the two audio samples using quantitative metrics such as bitrate, duration, and loudness, as well as qualitative factors like speech clarity, vocal inflections, and naturalness. The audio samples were examined using a Mel Spectrogram and a frequency analyzer.



The technical attributes of both recordings were remarkably similar, indicating Apple has replicated the acoustic qualities of human speech. However, small differences emerged:

- Apple synthentic voice had a slightly lower "quality" score, suggesting it's not yet as natural as an actual human voice.

- Its talk/listen ratio is also lower, implying the AI can't fully match human cadence.

- Apple sythentic voice waveform looks smoother and more uniform compared to the original human speech patterns.

- Frequency analysis shows attenuation of higher frequencies typical of synthesized voices.

While not discernible to the average listener, these metrics show Apple's vocal synthesis, while very convincing, still differs from human vocalizations in subtle ways. As the technology progresses, metrics like quality score and cadence may improvie.

Key Takeaways

Apple's Personal Voice achieves near human-level vocal mimicry when examined quantitatively, with differences only detectable via detailed audio analysis. The synthesis captures most acoustic qualities and speech patterns but lacks some natural irregularities. As AI voice technology evolves, metrics and tests like these will be essential to benchmark how closely it approximates human vocal characteristics. My simple experiment only scratched the surface but lays the groundwork for more robust testing methodologies.

Sythentically generated voice contains distinct signatures that could be used effectively to differentiate between human voice and machine generated voice.


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