Highlights of Apple WWDC 2020
In all the midst of Covid-19, Apple continued to with its annual fanfare of having developer conference "WWDC" 2020 from Apple Park (California), albeit fully "Online" and "Directly to your home" which brings biggest Apple innovations to life.
Topics covered by Tim Cook :
- Tim Cook highlighted two points for Racism, Inequality and Injustice. #BlackLivesMatters
- Apple introduced last week the racial equity and justice initiative with commitment of $100 million
- Apple also announced new developer entrepreneur camp for black developers.
- He also covered the Covid-19 and praising Healthcare workers and how Apple products had profound impact across the world in coming months.
iOS 14
- Changes to Home Screen
- App Library - Automatically rearranges all your apps
- Picture in Picture - Watch videos which working on you chat or other documents.
- Siri - in a new avatar and also launched translate which will work in offline mode as well
- Translate - New App
- Groups
- New Memoji
- New and updated maps - new features like Guide, Cycling, EV Routing,
- Guides
- App Clips
- Car keys - yes, you can use you iPhone as car keys for all the new car being launched by BMW and Ford
iPad OS
- Incoming calls will not block the entire screen, this is a much required feature for all.
- Universal Search
- Pencil Updates - Now you can scribble and also change it to typed text
- Free developers instances
The new firmware will allow you to seamlessly connect the airpod to your different iPhones and iPads without manually connecting it.
They also introduced a new feature called Spatial Audio
This Spatial Audio sounds simple but will have some of the most complicated arrangements were it will use the all the sensors in Airpods, iPhones, iPads and ensure the user has a full surround sound effect.
New features launched are;
- Face Sharing - Share the face of Apple Watch with your friends, also in future, websites will be able to offer their version of Apple Watch face for free. How about your company logo?
- Updated Maps
- Workout now includes dancing option like Hip Hop, Latin, Bollywood etc.
- Also introduced Sleep App to assess your sleeping pattern and get recommendations.
- Health app to be updated, now will be names "Fitness"
- Wind down - Ending your day across all your devices and getting alarm on your Apple watch either wake up tones or vibration to avoid disturbing your partners.
- One great new feature is Automatic detection of handwash, this will get activated automatically and assist you to wash hands until 20 seconds.
One of the most important topic covered was privacy and how the now iOS across all the devices will ensure this.
Tracking will not be done without you consent.
App Privacy will bring lot of transparency for end user in terms of app tracking and also with whom your data is being shared by the developer.
This can be checked in the App Store in the Apps details section.
Updates in Homekit
Features :
- Control Centre Enhancements
- Audio Sharing
- Adaptive lighting (Bulbs)
- Camera feeds on Apple TV
- Doorbell Announcements
- New Controller support
- Face recognition
Industry partnerships
New features:
- New UI
- Customization of start page
- Changes to control centre
- Streamlines App Design
- Memoji's
- New Notification centre
- Safari is almost 50% faster than Google Chrome
- Message effects
- Web translations
- Redesigned Dock
Apple's part historic movements in the past:
- Apple switched from Motorola's 68k series of chips in 1996 to IBM PowerPC Chips
- Apple Switched from IBM Power PC chips to Intel chips in 2006
- Apple released MacOS X in 2001
It was a historic moment when Tim Cook said that Apple will move away from Intel chips and will start building MacOS Machines with hits custom chips.
Apple Custom Chipset generations
Apple GPU chipset Generations
Apple Chipset offering
Highlight of this announcement:
- The whole transition period is of two years.
- Developer Beta will start from today.
- Public Beta will start from July
- GA will be in Fall (September)
If you would like to see the event:
Over all some great additions made by Apple teams. The new OS will have few new additions but don't call it a overhaul.
Apple moving away from Intel was a great news as this will bring a lot of power related efficiencies to future Mac's.