Apple Museum and Steve Jobs' Speech is a Good Reminder of How Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Apple Museum and Steve Jobs' Speech is a Good Reminder of How Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Each month in 2017 I am writing a post about the lessons I am learning or being reminded of – hopefully it will help make the learning stick while also helping others. Here is July’s post.

I recently visited the Apple Museum in Prague. I’m not an Apple user, but my interest was piqued after I walked past it, saw the cool quotes on the windows, and found out that all the profit goes to charity.

Walking through the museum, you can hear Steve Jobs’ Stanford University speech playing overhead, in which he shares stories from his life.

The museum exhibits and the speech clearly show how success and change do not happen overnight.

And they certainly don’t happen without setbacks and challenges.

For example, back in 1976, Steve Jobs and Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak both sold something special to raise the money they needed to start the company.

And in 1985, Steve Jobs was fired from Apple, the company he had started!

“I didn't see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me.” – Steve Jobs

We all know success doesn’t happen instantly, but this can be easily forgotten when we are pursuing goals.

In my post last month I shared two goals I am trying to achieve. Since writing that post I haven’t done much to get closer to achieving them, as I’ve been busy with the day to day running of my business.

I can be quite hard on myself, so I am really pleased I haven’t put extra pressure on myself following that public goal declaration.

I’m OK with the fact that I haven’t got much closer to my goals in the past few weeks, but I would like to make some strides in the next few months, so if there’s anything you can do to help, please get in touch. And let me know if there is anything I can do to help you get closer to your goals! 

Nisha Kotecha is the Founder of Good News Shared and the Creator of The Moments Journal, a guided journal that helps people end their day in a positive way.


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