Apple goes from Bash to Zsh, I took it to Fish!
Recently after upgrading to OS X Catalina, I opened up a terminal window. I was greeted with a message saying that the default shell for OS X Catalina is Zsh, and if I wanted to conform to the standard, I should type the command "chsh -s /bin/zsh. I read that this is mostly done as a result of changes in the open source license.
Personally, I have always been happy with having a $ sign prompt. Usually I don't care if it is on an AT&T Unix PC or a modern day server. The $ prompt makes me feel comfortable, like I'm at home. I even created a custom bash.rc file for OS X to bring in Linux style colors to directory listings.
I had heard of the superiority and virtues of Zsh, as I began using it I found that I quite enjoyed it. I thought to myself "why have I been so resistant?" "This is actually pretty nice!" So what of there is not $ at the end of the prompt. If you can customize it to mimic that look anyway!
Then I thought to myself, Zsh seems to be getting replaced by Fish, if I am going to learn a cool new shell, why don't I learn the latest one!
There are many ways to install Fish on OS X. The following instructions show the process I came up with.
First we will be installing a community supported package manager for OS X known as Homebrew.
Step 1
Open up a terminal window and type in the following command to install Homebrew.
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Press enter to continue. You may be asked for your password multiple times.
Step 2
Then type in the following:
brew install zsh
Now we need to make this a valid system shell.
Press enter. Then type in the following:
echo "/usr/local/bin/fish" | sudo tee -a /etc/shells
Press enter. Then type in the following:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
Step 3
Exit and restart the Terminal completely.
That's it, your default is now Fish!
#Apple #OSX #Catalina #Zsh #Fish