Apple C1 MODEM

Apple C1 MODEM

Apple 5G MODEM SoC is named C1.

C1 is engineering work of at least a decade and has been anticipated almost in the same number of years.

C1 is expected to be backward compatible with 4G and 3G and is advertised as the most efficient power consumption MODEM in the market.

Apple and Qualcomm have been in ASIC and mobile phone business relationships for a long time.

Their relationship has gone through many ups and downs.

In the past Apple sued Qualcomm regarding royalties, yet they were finally settled outside of the court.

On the other hand, Qualcomm has significant mobile handset critical IPs.? Some of which are expected to impact many devices.

As Apple introduces iPhone16E with C1, it would be impacting Qualcomm bottom lines.? How would Qualcomm return the over a decade favor?

ORTENGA?has seasoned engineering from?Autonomous Automotive, eHealth, SATCOM,?radar,?Smart City,?WiFi,?Mobile Terrestrial Radio Communications, and?6G?industries in?Antenna,?ASIC, HW, FW, and SW engineering disciplines.
