APPENDIX A - The Clear Expectations Scorecard
This scorecard is a collection of the questions shared in Chapters One through Twelve of ‘Map.? Measure. Move.’? The first four questions focus on the quality of your map.? The next four focus on the quality of your measuring system.? The last four focus on the quality of your next, planned move.
Make copies of this scorecard.? Give a copy to several team members with whom you are collaborating on an effort (including leaders of that effort).? Ask them to spend no more than five minutes completing the survey with what they know right now (no research or brushing up).? Request that they fill it out independently without consulting others who are taking the survey.?
The tabulation of the survey results is the same process as has been outlined for the question covered in each chapter.? Score each answer as 5 points for “a”, 3 points for “b”, 2 points for “c”, 0 points for “d”, and 1 point for “e”.? Add up the responses and divide by the number of responses you receive.
For any question where your average is close to 5 points, you’re probably in good shape for having clear expectations.? Where you’re closer to zero, pull the team together and create that clarity.? Review the chapter related to the question (each of the twelve chapters aligns with the same-numbered question) for an anecdote to underscore the need for that clarity.? What do you do to develop that clarity?? Make sure everyone knows that the expectation is to speak up and ask questions.
One approach to using the survey is to distribute it early in an effort.? Well started is half finished.? You’re going to be off to a good start when you proactively build clarity on the expectations for success.
You can also use any specific question when you have a sense that clarity doesn’t exist for an area of your work together.? It might be that everyone else gets it and you don’t.? That’s usually not the case.? One or more of the survey questions are a good way to get an understanding of the group’s overall level of clarity.
The questions begin below.
Part One - MAP
"I know what success means for our team because…"
"I know my understanding of success is aligned with the understanding of others because…"???
"I know we will arrive close enough to our objectives because…"
"I know we are keeping the big picture in mind because…"???
Part Two - MEASURE
"I know everyone’s measurements of success are aligned because…"???
"I know we will be able to make timely adjustments to address unacceptable results because…"???
"I know that the right people will be aware of unacceptable results because…"???
"I know that we are using the best available measurement data because…"???
Part Three - MOVE
"I know that everyone involved with the next step in our effort is on the same page because…"???
"I know how much we need to do for the next step in our effort because…"
"I know we will change our approach when necessary because…"
"I know what we are creating will work as we expect because…"