Appeasement is Not Love

Appeasement is Not Love

April 23, 2021

There has been much in the way of appeasement occurring lately, whether from corporations, professional athletic leagues, universities, politicians or celebrities. It has become fashionable to simply go along with the mob rather than risk cancellation, boycott, physical threat or other negative outcomes. The influence of pure evil – on both sides - has become so great that truth has given way to myth as people line up to accommodate those intent on the destruction of the values which are the foundation of a just and civil melting pot of cultures and traditions which, despite their differences, share a common belief in the distinct separation of good and evil and in the notion that we are called to love and care for one another. In every significant religious tradition that forms that fabric of this great country there exists some belief that good will triumph over evil, that light will prevail over darkness or that right will win in the end. Whether Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Confucianism, Sikhism, or Taoism, all place an emphasis on doing good, on kindness on some notion or of loving one’s neighbor. In these and the estimated 4,000 religious traditions that make up the fabric of our world, however, one thing is absolutely not to be mistaken: loving one another does not mean appeasing the evil among us.

And that’s the point for the week.

Appeasement is not love. Looking the other way is not love. Saying nothing for fear of being called a name, being branded with some “ism,” suffering some loss, or incurring some embarrassment is not love. Evil or any other bad behavior is to be confronted, not excused. Evil is to be eradicated, not encouraged. Evil is to be called out, not ignored.

It matters little where the evil or inappropriate activity is occurring or by whom. It is the role of true, caring leaders to address it whenever and wherever they find it. Even Jesus flipped over a few tables.  But when evil is ignored, it is no better that a tacit approval of it. Looking the other way while evil slithers into our midst only invites more of it. Evil leads to suffering, to division, and to hate. 

When inappropriate behavior is permitted to occur unfettered anywhere, it leads to fracture, reduced morale and diminished output. It’s undeniable. Businesses or other organizations that tolerate evil and other forms of inappropriate behavior underperform their peers. Positive contributors who see the appeasement of the ill-behaved are told, without words, that dedication to the cause and proper actions count for nothing while evil is elevated and rewarded.  Weak managers, held hostage by the demand of the mob, lose credibility by the moment as reasonable, hard-working and honest people see all that they have contributed to and sacrificed for given over in a moment to those who have invested little and endeavored almost nothing, all the while threatening the very existence of those who built all that is being plundered.

But when those brave few have the courage to stare evil in the face and refuse to submit, something just short of miraculous occurs. Evil backs down. The Grants, the Churchills, The King Jrs, the Thatchers, the Reagans and others who have stood steadfast in the shadow of evil without taking a single step back have taught us all a lesson. That history never favors the Chamberlains or the McClellans, the appeasers, who believe there is something to be gained by giving in to any force of evil rather than doing away with it for good – for the sake of all that is good.

So, do not mistake appeasement with love. Do not tolerate behavior you shouldn't.

And win.


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