An Appeal by Saint John Paul II to the People of GOD in the Media

An Appeal by Saint John Paul II to the People of GOD in the Media

Dearest Friends and Members of the MEDIA

Yesterday, Holy Mother Church celebrated the Life of Saint Anthony the Recluse who upon HEARING the Word of GOD changed his life on the spot and started a NEW life as the FATHER of the desert fathers!!

Not unlike St Matthew the Evangelist who heard Jesus speak to him: "Follow me!!" and he did at once...

In Church circles to get things done we NEED the Papal Mandate to receive the Blessing from the MOST Holy Trinity!!

Saint Anthony, the Recluse suggested that his "followers" find an 'individual' path for them in "response" to the Word of God...

The GREAT thing about Apostolic Exhortations, which is quoted below and for some of us reading this - it may be for the VERY First time - that they CANNOT be doubted that they are the Word of GOD!!!!

That gives religious consecrated souls the MANDATE in human terms the Work ORDER to go ahead with something in the Name of GOD!!!

I'm VERY happy to SHARE with you my WORK Order to proceed with an:

END Times Retreat for EXPERTS in the the field of social communications

I'm also VERY glad to show you that Theology is a FIELD which is not at all difficult and it's never too late to find YOUR Mandate to go on ahead and PREACH His Word!!!!!


Brother Blaze

Secular Franciscan

"99. Just as in the past consecrated persons successfully used all kinds of means at the service of evangelization and skilfully met difficulties, today too they are challenged anew by the need to bear witness to the Gospel through the communications media. The media, thanks to impressive developments in technology, have reached every corner of the earth. Consecrated persons, especially those who have the institutional charism of working in this field, have a duty to learn the language of the media, in order to speak effectively of Christ to our contemporaries, interpreting their "joys and hopes, their griefs and anxieties",and thus contributing to the building up of a society in which all people sense that they are brothers and sisters making their way to God.

Nevertheless, it is necessary to be vigilant with regard to the distorted use of the media, especially given their extraordinary power of persuasion. The problems which can result for the consecrated life should not be ignored; instead they should be faced with careful discernment.The Church's response is above all educational: it aims at promoting a correct understanding of the dynamics underlying the media and a careful ethical assessment of their programmes, as well as the development of healthy habits in their use. In this work of education, aimed at training discerning listeners and expert communicators, consecrated persons are called to offer their specific witness regarding the relative nature of all created realities. In this way they help people to use the media wisely and in accordance with God's plan, but also to free themselves from an obsessive interest in "the form of this world which is passing away" (1 Cor 7:31).All efforts in this important new field of the apostolate should be encouraged, so that the Gospel of Christ may be proclaimed also through these modern means. The various Institutes should be ready to cooperate, by contributing resources and personnel, in order to implement joint projects in all sectors of social communications. Furthermore, consecrated persons, especially members of Secular Institutes, should willingly lend their help, wherever pastorally appropriate, for the religious formation of leaders and workers in the field of public and private social communications. This should be done in order to offset the inappropriate use of the media and to promote higher quality programmes, the contents of which will be respectful of the moral law and rich in human and Christian?values."

Continue Reading Here:

Some things NEVER go out of fashion!!



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