Appeal for Monthly Help for Widows Jan 2021-Jan 2022
- Appeal for Monthly Help for Widows
- Jan 2021-Jan 2022
Greeting you from us all in thy name of Jesus Christ.
With this great request of widows monthly help is great action as there is way to help these widows so they can feed,schooling,clothes their small kids than we can save 5-6 members in a family for not doing the wrong ,we can stop them not to sin and not to adopt the bad ways of life where they can handle their families. In our society there is no one who is ready to help .We can save these lives for Jesus .We can stop their feet to not walk on sins. I know in early Church helped widows and Orphan than these women helped in Evangelism and gave their support .Finally we can arrange some hand craft .sewing,computer projects where they can earn and no need to ask for help. We request you if you have generous heart for these people than you can contact with us via email where we can provide you all details where you can send your help .We know 30 families who really deserve of the help ,You can make your choice the families one family or two families it is up to you .The report of your help will send properly with pictures so you may meet the family .One family need 300 $ US.You can reach us via email: [email protected].
Contact Person: Pastor Mukhtar Fazal Masih