Jacob Ephraim
Principal,, English n IELTS Trainer, Personality Dev, Sign Language , Content Writer, Poet written over 800 poems and 3books.Foreword written by Mr Ruskin Bond
This is an earnest request to NGO's. Mar Thoma Gram Jyoti School, Taimer, Dist Jabalpur was opened in 1997 by the St Andrew's Mar Thoma Church, Jabalpur. The school is for the poor children of SC and ST background. There are 300 children in the school and are given free education, books and uniform. The expenditure on each student is Rs 6000 per year. I request all on Linked in to help us raise some funds to help the students. The school is up to Class XII. Any amount small or big will be a great help to these children. My email id is [email protected] for those who would like to contact me