#App List
As promised a list of App that are working fine with 10.11.2 Beta 4.
- Photoshop 2015/14
- Illustrator 2015/14
- Indesign 2015/14
- Bridge 2015/14
- Acrobat 2015/14
- Lightroom 2015/14
- Microsoft 14.5.7
- Toast Titanium 14
- Apple Server
- Disk Warrior 4.4/5
- CleanMyMac
- Keeper
- Encrypto
- Social media Pro
- Messages for Messenger
- Tweetrific
- Stuffit
- Teamviewer
- Transmit/CrossFTP
- Drive Genius 3
- Disk Diag
- Disk Care
- USBMate
- Network LED
- UTorrent/Transmission
- HandBrake
- MacX DVDRipper Pro
- TweetDeck
If there are any other apps that are not here please send to me mail so that i may test and report back on what may be an issue or not, depending on your system and setup, or tweet me @MacGuruSupport