We're thrilled to announce the release of App Insights 1.3.0, developed in close collaboration with our valued early customers.
- Quickly identify problematic workloads! You can quickly identify workloads that are experiencing issues by filtering workloads based on status. Then dive in and see more details for that workload including any insights that can help identify the root cause.?
- View workload details without direct cluster access - The workload details show a quick summary of replicas & availability, containers & images, resource requests & limits as well as the Kubernetes manifest in YAML form. This allows users to view workload details even if they don’t have direct access to the cluster
- Connect the dots & Troubleshoot faster -The workload timeline helps visualize recent changes such as image or config changes, cluster issues such as node crashes, memory pressure, auto scaling etc. and other workloads experiencing issues. This information is valuable when troubleshooting a workload crash or availability issue.
- Noisy Neighbours - The Timeline charts now provide a breakdown of pod error counts, enabling you to quickly identify other problematic workloads on your cluster that may adversely affect the workload you are investigating.
- Timeline with Bird's-Eye-View & Zoom-In - The timeline provides a 48-hour visualization of events to quickly identify patterns and hot spots. The new “zoom-in”? feature allows you to zoom in with 1-minute granularity to dive deeper into a one-hour window.
- Get notified of new insights with our Slack, Email and Generic Webhook integrations. This feature is in tech-preview.
We firmly believe cost awareness is the key first step to better management of costs. In continuing with that theme,
- Cost Increase Alerts - We compare 24-hour and 7-day periods to identify an increase (or decrease) in cost. We also provide which resources contributed to the cost and the top 10 workloads driving the cost increase.
- Support for App Insights agent installation & billing through Azure Marketplace
- Breadcrumbs for easier navigation
- Insights List is now sorted by the time the insight was last updated, instead of being sorted by the time the insight was generated
- Cluster metrics and basic info has been moved to a new “Info” tab in the Cluster Details page
Check out our release notes to learn more about our exciting updates here.