Apostles are Uniquely Called by Christ

Apostles are Uniquely Called by Christ

By Ricardo Butler

How many times have you asked yourself the following questions?

? How will I know when I am in a Five Fold Ministry office?

? If someone has prophesied over me that I am a evangelist, a pastor, a teacher, a prophet or an apostle, does this put me in office?

? What is the difference between having spiritual gifts, being in ministry, and standing in an office?

? How can I move from functioning in the Five (30) Fold Spiritual Gifts, to Five (60) Fold Ministry to Five (100) Fold Leadership Office?

It is very commonplace in this day and age to receive prophetic direction or a prophetic Word concerning your calling. Perhaps the Lord revealed your calling to you personally and you now want to know what to do with it all! So where do you begin? Are you a prophet now? Are you an apostle now? Or maybe you are a pastor, or teacher, or an evangelist? Where do you start?

This is the first message of a series of messages called "Finding Your Apostolic Calling" to help you understand how apostles are called. I will also share some of the signs that identify one as being called to the apostolic ministry.

Who will this message series best help?

  • This is for any believer, minister, or church leader who thinks or suspects that they may be called to function as an apostle.
  • This is for spiritual or apostolic fathers who need help looking for the next generation to train.
  • This is for pastors and other church leaders who see these signs upon members in their congregations who wonder why certain members are acting perhaps hostile to the direction their local assembly is going.

This is especially for your pastors because it can be frustrating with God could be calling an apostle from among your midst. The problem is that due to this emerging apostles lack of training he is acting out in a way that he or she probably doesn't understand.

Trust me. I have been on both ends of this coin. I was once the upcoming apostle who thought I could lead and direct and guide the church into "the ways of God" better than my pastor could. I was a foolish immature and untrained potential apostle.

On the flip side, there was a time, being in full apostolic leadership and authority having a potential apostle coming up, he treated me in the same way. He also had an "I can lead and direct the church better than thou" attitude as I once did. So this lesson will help you the most if you pastor a local church. So let's get into it.

The Divine Call of God

The Word of God says,

"And when He had called [Greek definition: 'to call towards oneself, summon, invite, bid to come:--the divine call in entrusting men with the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God'] unto Him His twelve disciples ..." (Matthew 10:1).

"And He called [Gk: 'to sound toward, address, exclaim, summon, speak to'] unto Him the twelve ..." (Mark 6:7).

"And when it was day, He called [Gk: 'to convoke, call together'] unto Him His disciples: and of them He chose twelve, whom also He named apostles ..." (Luke 6:13).

Since they are called Apostles of Christ, it would be obvious that they are called of Christ and given as gifts to the church. You don't get to pick to be an apostle. There is no recruiting process or reporting to Christ like it is a job interview. All apostles throughout all generations are handpicked BEFOREHAND!

God does not call you to be apostles to do what you are capable of, God calls you to be an apostle to do what HE is capable of! This call has nothing to do with how capable you are or how gifted you are. It has nothing to do with your natural abilities to lead. And it doesn't matter if you know the Word of God back and forth.

Throughout the history of the Word of God, you can see the many ways that God has called those whom He has sent (the root word for apostle is "one who is sent"). What are some of the many ways the Lord calls His "sent ones"?

? Abraham was called directly by God through a Word of Promise of Land in the future and the prophetic Word predicting Christ's coming. (Genesis 12:1-3).

? Moses was called by an angel of the Lord (Theophany) through a miraculous event of the burning bush that was not consumed by the fire. (Exodus 3:2-4).

? Joshua was called by the Lord by way Moses, the servant leader of God functioning in an apostolic and/or prophetic type of ministry. (Numbers 27:17-19).

? Gideon was called by an angel of the Lord or what has been termed as a "Theophany" or appearance of God or of Christ. (Judges 6:11-24).

? David was called by the Lord through the Prophet Samuel by the anointing of oil poured over his head. (1st Samuel 16:1-13).

? Solomon was called by the Lord by way of King David, the servant leader of God functioning in an apostolic and/or prophetic type of ministry. (1st Chronicles 22:5-10).

? Paul the Apostle was called by Christ in the form of what he described as a "heavenly vision." (Acts 9:1-22; 22:6-21; 26:19).

? Jesus, though He was the Son of God, was also called by God as an example to model before others that He also had to go through the same process of us all when led to be baptized by John the Baptist and then led into the wilderness by the Spirit to be tempted by satan. (Matthew 3:11-17 & 4:1).

For example, for me, one day (like 2 years later, long after I left the system--Mystery Babylon), I was sitting at my computer studying all the hidden truths that the Catholic church had covered up and replaced with today's popular doctrine. Then, as I sat in meditation over all the Lord had presented in the Scriptures to me, my new perspective on the Kingdom, the Gospel, the Church, etc., the Spiritual light just came on in my heart and mind and spoke saying, "God has just given me the complete blueprint for the New Covenant Church!" I almost fell out of my seat!

Then I question Him and asked, "Why?" The Spirit spoke to me again and said, "Because I am calling you to be an apostle of the New Covenant church in these last days." But at the time, I didn't believe apostles existed after the Twelve and Paul.

I was taught by the church that there were only 12 foundations (apostles) of the city of New Jerusalem and they weren't needed today. So I said, "Whatever Lord. If apostles still exist today PROVE IT." So He sent me website surfing to study the papers of those who were 'for' or 'against' apostles in today's church. God knowing how biblically sound He brought me to, I could prove or disapprove whether or not someone’s teachings were an honest scholarship or religious bias. And all those who proved apostles existence were telling the truth.

So after I was proven wrong, I went searching for schools who trained apostles. I ran across one who's doctrine was off and I questioned their teaching and authority, so they pronounced judgment on me and kicked me out. Then I came across Apostolic Movement International (who back then was led by Apostle Les D Crause, who left it to his spiritual & natural children and went into Kingdom business) and their training and teaching were legit and above what I ever would have considered proven teachings on the apostolic and other five fold ministries. So they confirmed my calling after several questions and interviews, character references, etc., they assigned me to an apostolic trainer and went to work. Later as I moved I eventually ran into Apostle Tim Early (RIP) who came along side me and developed me further into proper apostolic mindset, manhood, maturity, message, and ministry of Christ’s mission and mandate. That was miraculous all right.

Apostle of Christ, you will get a miraculous call, and you will receive it directly from the Lord. You are going to get something powerful, direct from the Lord, as He manifests Himself to you.

Three Things to Remember about the Apostolic Call

If you look at the three verses that I mentioned above about Jesus calling the original 12, God reveals three truths about the apostolic calling.

1. It's An Invitation: When Jesus calls one to be an apostle in any era, it is an invitation. The dictionary defines invitation as:

? a written or verbal request inviting someone to go somewhere or to do something

? a spoken or written request for someone's presence or participation

? a request (spoken or written) to participate or be present or take part in something

? to ask (a person) politely to come (eg to one's house, to a party etc)

When Jesus calls you to be an apostle it is a polite verbal request to be something greater, to go somewhere that He sends you (apostle means "one that is sent", to be present, take part in, participate and do something unique for the Christ and His Kingdom as His Spirit says "Come." It is the divine call of Christ where He is entrusting men and women to join with Him in the preaching of the Good News of the Kingdom and Loving Government of God (as well as your participation if advancing His loving rulership on Earth).

2. It's a Summoning: When Jesus calls you to be an apostle, it is a summoning. While a invitation might be a polite way to bid you to come, a summoning is not. The word summon is commonly used in the court system. It is defined usually as:

? authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court

? to order to take a specified action; bid

? urgently demand

? call people to attend (a meeting)

? to bring into existence or readiness

This definition gives us an idea that whatever Christ wants the apostles for is urgent and important. It's so important to His Father's plans that one who is called to be an apostle MUST come and appear before God so they are prepared and made ready for the purpose of the call.

3. Apostles are Call Together: This is a truth not mentioned among many apostolic ministries today that are training up apostles. Apostles are called together. God does not call one apostle here and another apostle there. He calls them in groups, divinely appoints them to meet eventually, forms them into apostolic teams and then sends them out together.

Back above the word "call" means "to convoke" and "call together." The dictionary defines this word as:

? call together or summon (an assembly or meeting)

? to bring together

? to demand to appear, come, or assemble

If this word "convoke" sounds familiar that's because it is used in the King James Version of the Bible 18 times, in the three books of Exodus, Leviticus, and Numbers and is always referring to a "holy convocation."

In all 18 references of "holy convocation" the surrounding subjects are:

? The first day of the week

? The seventh day of the week or Sabbath Day

? Everyone must eat concerning the Feasts of the Lord

? Doing NO servile work

? Making an Offering to the Lord

This calling together of apostles sounds like on big (or small) version of a communion or the Lord's supper if you ask me. At the original Lord's supper, I believe this act was done to finalize the requirements of being an apostle and doing the works of an apostle by Jesus Christ. Meaning that if they were still at the table with Him before His crucifixion then you were confirmed to be part of the apostleship of Jesus Christ.

What that means for us today is that as God calls you to be an apostle wherever you are at, though you feel alone in your walk, there are other apostles in your area, community, city, or region that Christ is calling you to operate together. There must be a meeting together of apostles and the Spirit of God begins to lead you divinely for such a meeting, even if it's just two or three of you.

You can read of some of the other apostles that God is raising up in these days. They are men who have walked in the Spirit, men who have had visions of the Kingdom of God and satan's kingdom, and who have been taken in the Spirit. They have had the Lord reveal Himself to them in unique ways, and led them to do things and to establish works that have never been established before.

Do you want to know who they are? Just go and see who is getting the most opposition today. Just go and see who they are writing all the articles against on the Internet. There are sometimes even books being published against them. Very often they are apostles of Christ. Yes, there are heretics out there too. But many of them are mighty men and women of God.

Looking at your own life can you without hesitating recall the time of your coronation? When were you put into office? Have you faced the apostolic preparation and the training? Perhaps you are still looking after the sheep, perhaps you have just received a word that you are called. Perhaps the Lord has just quickened to you the reality of the calling of the apostle on your life. Perhaps your pastor has recognized the call on your life. Perhaps others have submitted to your leadership and recognize the calling on your life. Does that appoint you to Five Fold Ministry office?

No, it takes more than being recognized and flowing in the gifts to stand in office.

1. LIFE: Firstly David was anointed to be king through a prophetic word - You received your revelation.


2. DEATH/CRUCIFIXION: Then David was prepared to be king through servant hood in Saul’s’ Court - You were led to submit to the leadership of another.


3. BURIAL/GRAVE: Then David was trained to be king through trials and testing in the Cave and Wilderness - You were forced to leave the system entirely for a long season.


4. RESURRECTION/ASCENSION: Then David looked and acted like a king as He ascended the throne of Judah - You were taken back into the system and began setting up your ministry.


5. GLORIFICATION: But only when He was appointed by the elders, did he truly stand as king over the nation of Israel - You were set aside by the laying on of hands by a prophet or apostle, received impartation and release through prophetic decree.

This pattern remains the same right through to the New Testament where we see Paul and Barnabas being set aside for the work by the laying on of hands by direction of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus was appointed by a prophet the day he was baptized by John the Baptist and the Holy Spirit descended upon him as a dove and remained. You see, it takes more than the appointment of man to set you in apostolic office. It takes the appointment of the Holy Spirit and being released by a prophet or an apostle of God who is already in office.

Until you can recall a specific time and date where the Lord set you into office and appointed you to the throne, as it were, then you are not functioning in office and cannot wear the titles of that office. You have not yet arrived and still have a path of training and preparation to walk. I thank the Lord that there are steps and progressions to be made in your calling!

If you or another leader you know is hitting the wall on how to successfully fulfill your Leadership responsibility within the family, army, & government of God with the measure of the grace that God has given you, I can help you!

On August 19th, 2019 I will be opening my 12-Day Finding Your Five Fold Ministry Placement Training Series: The Principles of Potential – The Potentate of Our Potential versus Impotent Life: 12-Day Vocational Placement Training is a 12 Day Newsletter message series designed to help you find which one of the five fold ministry gifts that God could be potentially calling you to so that you begin to know what your true function withing the Body of of Christ.

What does it Cost:

12-Day Finding Your Five Fold Ministry Placement Training Series is usually a $7 12 Day Newsletter Subscription but for a this limited time only it will be FREE!

How Does it Work?

? Just Click on the link/button below to fill out the submission form and you will be contacted back to let you know the next launch date and the link. So get on the waiting list!

Click the button/link below to take my 12-Day Finding Your Five Fold Ministry Placement Training Series survey!


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Grammatical errors are left in intentionally to let people know that a real human named Ricardo Butler is really writing his own content! :-)

So Continue to Feed {Foundational Extraordinary Eternal Dimensions} the Seed {Strategic End-time Edifying Depths} and Nurture the Nature {HIS}, for by Divine Enlightenment you are BE-coming what you already ARE! You are that NOW, as your spirit is in the ascendancy … Apostolic Blessings and do know that you are highly FLAVORED of the Lord!

If you have any questions, need prayer, or if I can help you in any way, feel free to inbox me or write me.

May the blessings of the KINGDOM of the Father come upon you and your family through the Seed of the Word planted grow up 30fold, 60fold, 100fold, and even a double portion, which would be 200fold in Jesus’ name by the power of the Spirit, in the name of Jesus Christ WHO IS THE SAVIOR OF THE WHOLE WORLD! Amen!

Thanks for the connection! What are you wrestling with? What can I pray about for you? If you have any questions, or if I can help you in any way, feel free to write.

Love you and Christ bless!

Ricardo 'Rease' Butler


SERVANT & Apostolic Founder & CEO of Ricardo Equips Apostolic Leaders (R.E.A.L.), LLC @ https://ricardoequips.wordpress.com/freebook

"Ricardo Equips is passionate about helping and equipping apostolic leaders & ministers such as yourself to equip more five fold ministry leaders and spiritual parents to rule well in the home, ministry, marketplace, and local community!"

P.S. Also, please don't forget to share these with your social circles!

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