AposHealth Grabs Attention of European Market with Flagship Solution, Apos?

AposHealth Grabs Attention of European Market with Flagship Solution, Apos?

AposHealth’s flagship solution, Apos?, recently received a significant distinction in Europe in a ?Medtech Innovation Briefing (MIB) published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the leading health advisory and guidance organization in the United Kingdom (UK). ?

Garnering attention from NICE helps establish a firm foundation for Apos?’ success in the UK and beyond by putting information about ?Apos?’ innovative technology directly into the hands of thousands of healthcare decision-makers across Europe. ?

MIBs support the UK’s National Health Service and offer trusted guidance to social care commissioners and staff considering using new medical devices and other medical or diagnostic technologies. These briefings provide objective information to aid local decision-making by clinicians, managers, and procurement professionals.?

The briefing on Apos? described its role in osteoarthritis treatment and included commentary from three experts working in the field who provided their unbiased and objective opinions on Apos?’ potential impact on patient care and the healthcare system overall. Among this commentary, the experts noted that patients with knee osteoarthritis would benefit from using Apos? and that its technology could lead to improved health outcomes, fewer hospital visits, and less invasive treatment. ?

“This is an incredibly important milestone as we work to expand into the UK and beyond as NICE sets the standard of care for clinical treatment across the NHS and many countries across Europe,” said Sachin Gohil, senior vice president and chief commercial officer at AposHealth. “We are excited to work towards establishing Apos? as part of the pathway to treating knee osteoarthritis for thousands of patients abroad.”?

About AposHealth?

We at AposHealth are passionate about revolutionizing the treatment of musculoskeletal conditions by simply addressing peoples’ gait to help alleviate pain and help them move better and live better. Our flagship solution, Apos?, is FDA-cleared to temporarily reduce knee pain caused by osteoarthritis. It can also be used as a general wellness device to help patients live well with chronic lower back and hip pain. With a 96 percent satisfaction rate, over 110,000 patients treated, and dozens of peer-reviewed publications supporting the science behind Apos? as well as its clinical effect, this system—consisting of gait analysis, personalized foot-worn device, and a customized treatment plan—has helped patients with chronic knee, lower back, and hip pain worldwide move, live, and thrive. ?



