Apollo and My First Week
Andrea Campbell

Apollo and My First Week

I have to preface this by saying, if It’s one thing I know, it is you have to take the reins when it comes to your health. I spent eight years caring for my dying husband and more than thirteen helping my mother take on many ailments until her death at age 101. Doctors are needed but their objectives are different from what we first perceive. When you have a sickness, ailment, or disease, they will prescribe medication. Mainly they mask the pain but do not cure the problem—that is up to you. I’ve mastered this ?first-person as well.

Now my week with Apollo. Last time I left you it was charging. After you charge your Apollo, you will need to download the app. This will be the guide to: how to pair your device with your phone and app; where you should wear Apollo (during the day it’s on my wrist, at night I move it to my ankle). There are instructions in the box with the Getting Started Guide, and you do not have to be a techie to figure it out, it is pretty user-friendly. If you do need help though, you can always go to: https://apollo-neuro-fact-sheet.carrd.co/

?Just a few facts and then I will tell you about my first week.?

·?????If you feel tired—either mentally, physically or stressed out—there are signals in your autonomic nervous system, either the parasympathetic or sympathetic branch

·?????The parasympathetic is referred to as “rest-and-digest” and the sympathetic is commonly called “fight or flight”

·?????Apollo can be put into action a touch therapy that can help to calm the sympathetic branch of our nervous system

·?????It sends safe signals to your brain through a vibration that helps to restore balance

·?????The scientists at Apollo call it a hug for your nervous system because it helps you to bounce back faster.

·?????The best part is you can set a schedule for these sensations according to your day’s schedule.

One question that came up is if Apollo will stop working after your body gets used to it? The developers and scientists say No that the opposite will occur; meaning, like meditation and deep breathing, it will improve heart rate variability and your sensitivity will pick up so it will take less time to feel the effect.

Here is some of how I set up my schedule using the app. I get up at 3:30 am because I have to feed and walk my dog, sometimes make a work lunch, shower, put on makeup and style my hair, make coffee, and drive a half-hour to my job at the casino. So, the app is set to tell Apollo to give me Energy and Wake Up.

When I get to work at 6, I usually recount all the chips and tips at the tables so at 7:10 am, when I am justifying the count, I set Apollo to give me a boost for Clear and Focused. At 2:15 pm when my energy is lagging after working and walking three miles or more, I get another scheduled Energy and Wake up. When I get home, I do homework for my classes at UAFS so at 5:40 pm, I need to stop, and I programmed: Relax and Unwind. You get the idea.

Anyway, I feel the vibrations and they are not troubling or annoying; after a while you might not notice them. I can say, one thing I believe it has helped me with it parsing out my time and making the best use of it.


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