Be an Apollo Franchisee in 2023
Apollo Care Franchising Limited
Apollo Care is offering you the opportunity to build your own care business with our guidance and expertise.
The Apollo Family has had a very busy and exciting past month, which you can read about below! But firstly, I want to remind you that there are only two months left of the year and here at Apollo we’re really excited about this! Why? Well, the end of a year is the perfect opportunity to reflect: What has your career this past year given you? Are you fulfilled? Did it give you the balance you need in order to spend quality time with your family, children, spouse or pets? If not, we want to remind you that 2023 is just around the corner! And the start of a new year is the perfect opportunity for change, growth and total life transformation.
So, if you’re interested in bettering your life, creating more balance, and feeling more fulfilled in 2023, then why not think about?beginning your Apollo Care journey? We have several franchise opportunities available and we’d love to support you in finally taking control of your life next year. Let’s chat and talk about?why Apollo Care might be the perfect choice for you.
We have so many wonderful bits of team news to share with you this month!?
In September, Apollo Care South Wirral celebrated their 9th year - Happy Birthday team! We are looking forward to what the next few years have in store for you.?
On October the 10th we celebrated World Mental Health Day by treating all staff at our South Wirral office to warm up with hot drinks and chocolate.
Apollo Care Liverpool have received amazing feedback about one of their carers, Gail, (from the community mental health team) about the impact on their client.
"Gail has worked excellently with ***, she has engaged him on a level he is comfortable with at his pace. *** has really taken to Gail, which is a real achievement.... The full CMHT agree that the input from Apollo and in particular Gail has improved *** mental and physical well-being."
We were excited to welcome Lauren, a new Coordinator, to our South Wirral team! Lauren has been out of care for a while and is glad to be back doing what she loves, and we are so happy to have her onboard.?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be part of the?Apollo Care team? We’re a bunch of passionate, caring individuals who love what we do.
Here’s a sneak peek into a?“typical day” of our Head Office Finance Manager, Julia.
My day starts at 6.45 am with my first cup of tea, whilst I get myself ready for the working day. My next job is getting my 12-year-old daughter out of bed (which is a job and a half as she’s 12 going on 16). Once I wave goodbye to her at 8.15 am, my working day is ready to start.
Firstly, I check whether I have any emails that need my immediate attention before I get down to my favourite job, invoicing. Once I have dealt with these, I check that all the franchise teams have completed their invoicing, before going into each franchise to export all the information that’s needed (turnover, hours, clients and carers) for the invoicing dates that are due. This information is then transferred and sent to our accountants for processing.
“Getting all the information together and seeing how well the teams have done that month gives me such a buzz, considering what challenges and obstacles they have to go through. They all work so hard especially as these last 2 years have been very challenging, but they keep their heads held high and it shows in their turnover. We at Head Office are so proud of each and every one of them.”
Once all the invoicing has been completed, I can then look at my to-do list and see what else I can fit into my day - quarter tasks, banking, paying of invoices and any other jobs that I have been assigned to do. If I have time, I’ll catch up with my wonderful work colleague
World Kindness Day:?On the 13th of November, we celebrate World Kindness Day, which is an initiative that encourages people around the world to let their compassion shine brightly through random acts of kindness. As leaders in home care, we have seen how kindness has the power and ability to change, not only a person’s day but a person’s life! By showing kindness to our franchisees through ongoing support, we have established our wonderful Apollo Care family. Join us in caring for others as we change lives together.
World Diabetes Day:?Around the globe on November 14th, World Diabetes Day raises awareness and provides education concerning a disease that affects over 400 million adults internationally.?A large number of people affected by diabetes is a source of concern for global healthcare workers. Awareness, education, action, and research all can make a difference. At Apollo Care, we offer care to vulnerable adults and stand in support of all those whose lives have been negatively affected by diabetes. We know the value of caring for others ???
We are always on the lookout for carers to join our ever-growing Apollo Care family. Support comes in many different forms, and we have them covered with our array of services. But the value of our services is only made possible by a quality team of carers.
Thanks for taking the time to catch up with us! If you want to live a better, more fulfilled and happier 2023, I encourage you to get in touch.?
Don’t hesitate to?book a discovery call?and get to know how Apollo Care could change your life.
Take care,?