Apohan's Business - FAQ
Apohan is an fintech start-up into end-to-end consulting services for equity funding for SMEs with revenue between Rs. 25 cr to Rs. 250 cr. Our platform would be a semi-automated, disruptive, cost-effective, scalable, first-in-the-world, emerging-technology-enabled EquityTech delivery platform.
Why equity funding & not debt? Because banks & NBFCs don’t lend, lend less, lend late, lend costly, lend with unfair T&C. They are ruthless in recovery.
Why equity is better? SMEs don’t have to pay back the equity, don’t have to pay an interest (or a guaranteed return), no security is required, all required amount is available & there is no legal recourse for recovery. It is purely business-merit based.
Why SMEs? Because 63 lakh SMEs in our target market don’t get funding even if they are excellent in making & selling with good profit only due to absence of consulting infrastructure.
Why 25 to 250 cr size? It is not practical to select, study, screen & fund the companies below this revenue threshold.
Why consulting? Because SMEs know how to sell product, not how to sell/dilute business. Equity funding is a very complex, costly & lengthy transaction.
Why only sell-side consulting? SMEs need awareness, conceptual clarity, working knowledge, documentation & representation for getting equity funding. Investors don’t.
Why delivery model? Because it needs CA, CS, business lawyer, MBA, banker, investment banker, insolvency/ valuation/ technology/ engineering professionals, etc in a single consulting company to take a transaction to success with near 100% certainty unlike brokerage models.
Why end-to-end services? Because SMEs don’t have the departments of strategy/ corporate management/ finance/ contracts/ strategic transactions to represent themselves
Why platform? To close 100 deals a day after 10-years under brand Apohan.
Why emerging technologies? To collect, analyse & present huge information for huge number of SMEs through a scientific process flow, to reduce transaction costs by 10 times.
Why strategic (& not compliance) services? Because it makes the business model internationally replicable.
Why disruptive model? To prevent deal failures, eliminate brokers, stop wasteful communications, & to increase the barraging power of the SMEs vis-vis investors.
Why to invest in SMEs? For same amount, higher visibility into company affairs, higher management control, higher importance, synergies with pure technocrat promoters, low overheads, low compliances, high agility, higher growth on lower base, lower relative valuation, lower macro-economic risk, multiple exit mechanism, no random price fall like in listed companies, opportunity of extra-ordinary gain, vintage/POC as compared to start-ups.
What is Apohan’s cause? To stop 16% of Indian businesses from closing down every year & related economic destruction, to stop the destruction of 48% of the private capex, to stop 9000 business suicides per annum, to gradually transform SMEs into profit making, growing, sustainable, multi-national conglomerates by creating sophisticated corporate infrastructure.
Warm Regards,
Arun Joshi,
MD & Director startegy,
Apohan Corporate Consultants Pvt. Ltd.
Address: Office No. 11, First Floor, Shriram Complex, Model Colony Road, Shivajinagar, Pune,
Maharashtra, India -411016 (Landmark – Fergusson College)
Landline: +91 20 25650005
Mobile: +91 9810481325
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.apohanconsultants.com
Connect on LinkedIn
Company: https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/apohanconsultants
Company PPT: https://www.slideshare.net/ArunJoshi38/ma-corporate-mgmt-strategy- presentation
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