Apocalypse Now!
Sandeep J.
CEO - Chief Architect | Cloud, ERP, Analytics & Supply Chain | Consulting | Coach | Extraordinary Genius | Exceptionally Talented | Very Highly Gifted | God
This extinction of humans will not be because of climate change but morality change, the fall of human values, the decadence of society...below are the reasons why:
1.??? Lust in humans have increased many folds as can be seen from the statistic that 98% or more of the women in the world are sexually abused, assaulted or raped, more than 95% of the people in the world are addicted to some form of pornography, 100% of the people in the world do not understand sex or act in it's true form and cannot overcome the basic lust in their minds.
2.??? Anger in humans have also increased many times than the level that was in earlier centuries in the history of mankind. This is reflected in mass killing become now common even though people know that they are not going to live after they commit one but the rage of anger in them cannot be controlled. You can see that in common world that people get angry very easily if they cannot understand you and it is not even your mistake, they want instantaneous results, answers and acts as patience, tolerance and self-control is all in theory as practically there are few that really practice them in real world. Everyday impulsive actions, small fights that result in people killing each other, retribution for common problems, uncooperative, undisciplined and arrogant attitude are some of the common problems manifested in real life.
3.??? Ever increasing greed among people that is reflected in commercialisation of common things that was done as a act of humanity previously, the ever increasing inflation in this world that is nothing but the want for more profits in businesses around the world, the ever increasing desires among people to take loans to support a lifestyle that is beyond their means that is happening for not only households but businesses and big corporations alike, the every day fear of a recession that was a rare even a few decades back and even rarer in the beginning of industrialisation, the people, the businesses and the likes having no conscience but for the money that they are willing to play with people's life's that no longer matter...as reflected in countries not cooperating for climate control and only caring about their own profits, economy and the hunger for power, the greed for vote bank that all boils down to money, money and more money. This is so firmly engrained in people's life's that the world revolves around money as human character has no longer any value but what matters is how much gold, money and wealth you carry.
4.??? The hatred among people have also increased that is reflected in how women are treated, how people with humane values are tortured, insulted and violated, how a pure emotion or feeling or act is treated with dejection, anger and inhumanity rather than a emotion of negativity that includes arrogance, pride, greed, hubris, apathy and the likes that are always encouraged. People of low character are valued more than people of pure hearts, higher consciousness which has no value in this world and is incomprehensible, unattainable and abused more often than negativity and lower state of mind.
All these negative emotions and more are reflected in the health of people, the climate changes that is happening, the wars, the natural disasters, the inequality gap rising in the society, the growing diseases of the lungs especially, the pandemics, the all such events that is part of the cycle of karma. More than 99% of the people are unhealthy on this planet, more than 80% have mental health problems, more number of people take drugs now than ever before, there are new diseases showing up in the radar every day, in fact that was never there before as the microorganism that where friendly before are now becoming enemies are killing more children, adults and the old alike. The temperature of the planet is increasing every moment, there are more natural disasters, floods, fires, hurricane's, earthquakes cold, storms, tornadoes than ever before.
The overall consciousness of the earth is going down as can be seen from the decadence of morals in humans. We are exponentially spiralling towards darkness day by day and the light of hope vanishing as we speak. The end of the world is near, this is the biggest mass extinction that the scientist have figured out in the physical way but really is the side-effect of the basic moral degradation, the root cause of the ultimate end of the mother earth, the extinction of humanity with a few remaining in the end, the people who are strong, have higher consciousness and show humanity, they win, the rest lose and die...this is the reality of the life, the ultimate truth that the world of today is facing. The change is still possible by human's only to reverse this effect as the last breadth can be the breath of life but who understands this truth? someone who can, will change themselves for the good, the rest will perish...