The Apocalypse
?Michael Gleeson
Big Boy Scout ★ Leadership ★ Problem Solver ★ Mentor ★ Archery Instructor ★ Former Job Seeker Strategist ★ Former LinkedIn Workshop Coach & Presenter ★ BALOO Instructor
When the end of civilization as we know it comes (and it is coming) the human race will most likely survive (without zombies), but equally likely our modern society (as we know it) will not survive.
When asked about the foretold great apocalypse, (the fall of western civilization) most people have visions in their imagination of the great cities of the world deserted and abandoned. But, what they ignore is how they may have ended up that way. Many people refuse to acknowledge the massive loss of life leading up to the great cities falling into disarray.
Within the first 24 to 72 hours of the apocalypse, as massive panic, rioting and a massive exodus not seen since biblical times occurs you can also expect a run on food stores, warehouses, distribution centers, and food pantries. You will also expect a run on gas stations as people fight to fill-up their cars, trucks, SUV’s, gas cans, and buses as they attempt to flee away from where they currently are without any foresight or forethought into where they may be traveling to, or eventually end up. Most vehicles are designed to only contain enough fuel to travel approximately 300-500 miles on a single tank full of fuel. But when everyone else is trying to do the same thing it is most likely you will not travel more than 50 - 100 miles.
What most people don’t realize is that they will most likely give into mass panic and mass hysteria. If they were to keep their wits about them, they would realize that they would be much better off staying calm and stay where they currently are when everyone else is in a state of panic. At any time, most households have enough food currently in their homes to sustain them and their family for about 4-6 days.
Your immediate needs which includes fresh clean (safe) drinking water, and sanitation. Almost immediately, you will notice that your toilets will fail working, as you lose water pressure, and fresh water.
Within less than a week, you will need fuel for heat and cooking, as the electrical grid begins to fail and natural gas supplies deplete.
Most people will want to establish or maintain communications with their friends and family. Most commonly they will gravitate towards using their cell phones. But, what few people are aware, the cell phone networks will begin to fail almost immediately, and eventually completely fail within less than 48 hours. Finding and using alternative methods may prove to be more effective and more reliable than the more conventional cell phones. Assuming an EMP (Electric Magnetic Pulse or a nuclear blast) was not used to start the apocalypse, a shortwave radio will be the most perfered method of communication.
In spite of the so called financial experts, Money, Silver, and Gold will be totally useless and worthless because there won’t be a basic standard in which to place a standard value. More than likely, bartering will become the preferred method of trade. Depending upon what actually caused the apocalyptic conditions would determine the best way to survive. And for at least the first couple of decades our species will be in survival mode and not necessarily re-procreation mode, so bartering for your neighbor’s teenage son or daughter would not be in your best interest of survival. They would simply become another mouth to feed.
Eventually hunting, fishing, and gathering wild fruits and vegetables will become common place as we begin to rebuild a livable system in which to live, survive, and sustain ourselves. Survival will become our priority. How we choose to survival will be determined by us as individuals.
Technical Education Teacher at Racine Unified School District
8 年everything has a beginning and an end. We are certainly not headed toward the beginning.