The API is not a 'for the People' organization!
Can "We the People in the US" and all over the world TRUST the organization known by the name, API? (American Petroleum Institute), when the US Supreme identifies API as a body of 640 members* that serve the INTEREST of the oil and gas companies? This question arises because the API recommends oil and gas well STANDARDS and RECOMMENDED PRACTICES that include CASING pipes and CEMENTING, which we know CANNOT keep the CO2 injected in CCS for 3,000 years, from leaking back to the atmosphere. And other fugutuve gases from oil and gas wells.
In the eye of the US Supreme Court, below is the true IDENTITY of the API -- as far as Public Interest is concerned. And it's a grave concern, indeed, for all people in the world, to demand oil and gas companies STOP gas emissions from there wells: past, present and future.
Excerpt from: (<<Emphasis>> added)
"API speaks <<for the oil and natural gas industry>> to the public, Congress, the Executive Branch of the federal government, state governments, and to the media. API negotiates with regulatory agencies, represents the industry in legal proceedings, participates in coalitions, and works in partnership with other associations to achieve its members’ public—policy goals."
*Who are the Members of API? Again I quote from the same source:
".... APl‘s 640 members — including <<large integrated companies, exploration and production>>, refining, marketing, pipeline, and marine businesses, and service and supply firms ..."