the Aperture by Apple...
Michal Dybowski
Vice President of Global Healthcare Travel Council @ Healthcare Poland Foundation | Head of AI, Sustainability, Cyber-security, UAV, Security
Do you remember that Apples biggest Adobe Lightroom competitor... ? the Aperture ?
... well I do, but I have forgotten it for last couple of years. It was actually pretty much, since Apple had announced they will now discontinue it. Right after that I found some issues with running it. Time, some of MacOS updates passed by since then, during which, whenever I had a chance to find the Aperture icon in the Applications folder it had been disabled...
At some point, frustrated, I gave up all of my (almost) 76'000 images, that I had stored in it's internal library and decided to start a new chapter in Lightroom (I had maybe 5-7% of them backed-up elsewhere )
.. to be a person with a understanding for a future, you need to remember where did you came from.
However Yesterday, I found the same (App) icon appeared after the most recent MacOs Update without a disabled sign on it... I've clicked and... it's all back... since I've started collecting pictures on my Mac (2006). I have regained access to the history of my passed years and I am able to use it back again in all my projects... wow!
There is no special moral to this story however just wanted to share it with you. It look's that some of the old stuff can come back to you like that! If you don't throw them away... It felt like opening one of those boxes, with old pictures, laying there somewhere at the bottom of wardrobe or in a closet... that you have almost forgotten. Great feeling...
The only thing that comes to my mind is that ... to be a person with a understanding for a future, you need to remember where did you came from.
Have a great Time!
Micha? Dybowski
PS. Do some backups! hahah