APENDIX B - The Clear Expectations Story Approach
I like using anecdotes from historical situations to underscore a point about a current effort in which I’m involved.? This series may have? been a pretty big hint that I like to do that.? Sometimes others involved with the effort are familiar with the story and see the connection.? Sometimes they don’t know the story.? They’re entertained and want to learn more.? Either way, I’ve usually built an ally for asking “Why?” more often on the current effort.
Once I’ve shared the story about Roald Amundsen using dogs versus Robert Scott using ponies on their race to reach the South Pole, I’ve greased the rails for a similar conversation about what we’re doing on our own project.? By the way, don’t ever choose ponies when you’re navigating Antarctica.
The anecdotes in each chapter of this series will help you underscore the need for clarity in the related area.? Pretty quickly, you’re going to want other and better examples.
Here’s what I did when finding and tuning the anecdotes in this series.? You can do the same.
Use the words “success”, “failure”, and “example” in conjunction with search terms like the following depending on which areas your survey indicate the need for more clarity.
Scroll through the search results until you find an interesting example of failure or success.? Put the story into your own words so that it focuses on the specific facet of clear expectations you want to highlight.
Then tell the story at a party or during a meal.? Keep honing your delivery until someone asks you to repeat it to someone else.? That’s your signal that you have a compelling story to support this area of expectations.
Most of all, have fun!? There are great stories out there.? You are just the right person to use them for a constructive, engaging approach to building more clarity for your effort and your team’s success.
The search terms associated with each chapter are listed below.
Part One - MAP
Chapter One - A Map (survey question 1)
Map, destination, objective, target
Chapter Two - A Shared Map (survey question 2)
Map, shared, alignment, common, mutual
Chapter Three - A Detailed Map (survey question 3)
Map, detailed, specific, exact, granular
Chapter Four - A Broad Map (survey question 4)
Map, big picture, perspective, circumstance, scenario, miss the forest for the trees
Part Two - Measure
Chapter Five - Common Measurements (survey question 5)
Measure, calibrate, synchronize, confirm
Chapter Six - Dynamic Measurements (survey question 6)
Measure, dynamic, static, stale
Chapter Seven - Visible Measurements (survey question 7)
Measure, visible, hidden, known, data democracy
Chapter Eight - Quality Measurements (survey question 8)
Measure, best, outdated, new, technology, we have always done it that way
Part Three - Move
Chapter Nine - A Planned Move (survey question 9)
Plan, table-top exercise, walkthrough, prepared
Chapter Ten -? A Scoped Move (survey question 10)
Plan, project, scope, scope creep, limited, unlimited, defined, undefined
Chapter Eleven - A Verified Move (survey question 11)
Feedback, accurate, inaccurate, vague, clear, proof
Chapter Twelve - A Real Move (survey question 12)
Demonstration, live, product