APA's Jaime Kelsall Interview
Jaime Kelsall from APA Agency was interviewed in this Promoter 101 episode (https://soundcloud.com/promoter101/promoter-101-112-apas-jaime-kelsall-aeg-presents-ethan-levinson). Jaime showcased her extensive knowledge and experience within the industry, specifically with booking talents of any kind. The following are key points discussed in this episode:
A responsible agent generally handles signing clients to the agency. Compared to booking agents, responsible agents bring the clients in while the booking agent handles the shows/events that clients are present at and any endeavor they want to work with.
A full service agency covers clients in any area they may want to further their careers in. This includes music, literary, digital, branding, touring, film/TV, etc. Full service agencies represent the multifaceted clients who seek to expand their abilities into more than just their main focus. APA represents not only musicians, but actors, costume designers, screenwriters, book designers and more.?
As an agent who was brought onto a team through a manager, a sticky situation may occur if the manager in this case is fired. In this circumstance, it is important to not burn bridges with anyone involved. On one hand, the manager was the one who provided the job opportunity and it’s important to not leave them hanging when it comes to future opportunities. On the other hand, the artist needs an agent they trust, so it is important to maintain the established relationship. Other entities may be involved, such as the record label and attorney, so it is important to maintain professionalism and trustworthiness.?
Poaching is the act of one agent seeking out artists who are signed to another agency and “stealing” them. Agents might cold-call acts in an attempt to have them switch to a different agency. This would not include an agent reaching out to an act who is actively looking to change their agency.?
“Below the line” is an expression used to explain anyone below the starring roles. This might be the costume designers, photographers, cinematographers, and makeup artists. They are vital parts of the industry, people who work all the time and whose names are in the credits, but are not necessarily in the spotlight.?
Territorial agents book different size artists but only for specific areas. Artists can be of any genre playing in any venue size, from clubs to arenas. For example, territorial agents may book in the Northeast, artists playing Gramercy Theater all the way up to Gillette Stadium.?
Jenna Vitale is currently a senior at William Paterson University studying Music and Entertainment Industries.