Apart from the Bleeding...
Ralph LoVuolo Sr. Mortgage Godfather
Master Coach, Keynote, Sr.level Consultant --! [email protected]
FAMP's Pembroke seminar felt like a great success!!
Ain't no party like an L.O. party!
Hi there! Cat here:) Just wanted to say it was great to meet you all at FAMP.
]If you don't remember me, (or if you weren't there) I was the assistant to the great Ralph LoVuolo, (better known in the industry as 'The Mortgage Godfather') and the humbled new social marketer for Laura Smith, THE ORIGINAL MORTGAGE DOCTOR. (Yes, her originality IS the truth...Gooogle it.)
If that still doesn't help...I was the one running around without her shoes on.
Of course, that is unless your name is Orlando Lewis Lorie, an MLO from the Davie, Fl. area. Then you would know me better as the girl who stole your laptop.)
You see, what had happened was...
As I was getting into my late model Toyota convertible, amidst all your Tesla's and late model Mercedes, distracted by my thoughts on why purple snakeskin should have never been an accessory for my feet in the first place...I was listening to a podcast, responding to a text, excitedly thinking about all your upcoming sales calls and wondering to myself if it were still pc to refer a $40 valet as 'an assault'...there it was. An alien laptop bag.
Oh dear...
I really did think it was Ralphs attache' when I instructed the bellhop to send it off with our stuff.
And while I was enjoying a truly kick @ss burger from the restaurant in back of the pool by the Marriot, I had put Mr. Lorie' in possible in danger of a cardiac arrest unparalleled by downing even 10,000 of those delicious arse burgers.
So I have to tell you guys, I was taken back by the sheer kindness and gentle manner I encountered when I called his number off the card that I found in the front zip pocket to tell him who the culprit was. Orlando's got what you dinosaurs would call dyno-mite good character. What a gentleman.
It made me think you'd be hard pressed to find that kind of class in a robot nowadays. Especially not a robot with a recently stolen laptop.
Orlando, sir, I'd do business with you any day.
I would gladly design your button to the moon-at no cost to you.
Thankfully, I am a social media marketer who likes to write and can find (or fabricate) the silver lining in any humiliating situation.
This recent mixer-mix-up was a nice reminder for me to slow down and focus on one thing at a time. I think this same lesson applies to marketing. There are so many times I see brands trying to do "all of the marketing" versus one marketing strategy really really well.
As a result, after a years of hard work and money down the drain, they're left with a sub-par blog, an Instagram with hashtags you'll never show up on , crickets for Twitter followers, paid advertising that hasn't paid back and no truly worthwhile connections.
I feel this compounds well on what Kimber, Gino, and Shaq were trying to tell us. Instead of using technology as a tool for us to blow smoke and mirrors, let's also make note to use it to applaud those who show remarkable character along the way.
Let's also just keep doing what each of us does best. And sub-contract out what we don't out. I'm not sure if all of us need to be sidetracked by decoding the inter-webs.
When you can, be it in life or business or marketing, just focus on one thing and do that one thing well. Otherwise, you'll be the culprit of giving strokes instead of gaining followers.
All the best,
If you want to say hello to any or all of us back, you can do so by looking into The Original Mortgage Doctor's program here ==> Theoriginalmortgagedoctor.com
And connect with her on LinkedIn here ==> https://www.dhirubhai.net/company/14065442
You could subscribe to Ralph's YouTube channel here ==>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyvU7rAOasx4xc8iOpTA_BA?view_as=subscriber
Or link up with his equally incredible LinkedIn empire here ==>https://www.dhirubhai.net/in/ralphlovuolo/
And you can follow me on my Instagram here ==>https://www.instagram.com/cat_mathews/ as well as instagram.com/konseptual.design. I'll be creating a 3rd account that will focus solely on replication an actual Realtor feed using our lead acquisition software.
Link for taking a look-see thru my company history along with the beginning of my menu options on my company's website located here==>konseptualdesign.com.
Special shout out to our waiter John, who batted it out of the park by getting me these fab new slippers.
You certainly earned that 5 star Yelp:) ????? ?? Ima wear them till the heels fall off!!!
Senior Vice President Commercial Lending
5 年Well done Cat!