Apache Flink: Stream as Append & Upsert in Dynamic Tables with PyFlink
Shanoj Kumar V
VP - Senior Technology Architecture Manager @ Citi | LLMs, AI Agents & RAG | Cloud & Big Data | Author
Apache Flink is a powerful data processing framework that handles batch and stream processing tasks in a single system. Flink provides a flexible and efficient architecture to process large-scale data in real time. In this article, we will discuss two important use cases for stream processing in Apache Flink: Stream as Append and Upsert in Dynamic Tables.
Stream as Append:
Stream as Append refers to continuously adding new data to an existing table. It is an everyday use case in real-time data processing where the new data must be combined with the current data to form a complete and up-to-date view. In Flink, this can be achieved using Dynamic Tables, which are a way to interact with stateful data streams and tables in Flink.
Suppose we have a sales data stream which a retail company is continuously generating. We want to store this data in a table and append the new data to the existing data.
Here is an example of how to achieve this in PyFlink:
from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment, CsvTableSink, DataTypes
from pyflink.table.descriptors import Schema, OldCsv, FileSystem
# create a StreamTableEnvironment
st_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create()
# define the schema for the sales data stream
sales_schema = Schema().field("item", DataTypes.STRING())\\
.field("price", DataTypes.DOUBLE())\\
.field("timestamp", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP())
# register the sales data stream as a table
.with_format(OldCsv().field_delimiter(",").field("item", DataTypes.STRING())\\
.field("price", DataTypes.DOUBLE())\\
.field("timestamp", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP()))\\
# define a table sink to store the sales data
sales_sink = CsvTableSink(["/path/to/sales/table"], ",", 1, FileSystem.WriteMode.OVERWRITE)
# register the sales sink as a table
st_env.register_table_sink("sales_table_sink", sales_sink)
# stream the sales data as-append into the sales sink
# execute the Flink job
In this example, we first define the schema for the sales data stream using the Schema API. Then, we use the connect API to register the sales data stream as a table in the StreamTableEnvironment.?
Next, the with_format API is used to specify the data format in the sales data stream, which is CSV in this example. Finally, the with_schema API is used to determine the schema of the data in the sales data stream.
Reference: https://nightlies.apache.org/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/python/table_api_tutorial.html
Next, we define a table sink using the CsvTableSink API, and register it as a table in the StreamTableEnvironment using the register_table_sink API. Next, the insert_into API is used to stream the sales data as-append into the sales sink. Finally, we execute the Flink job using the implemented API.
Upsert in Dynamic Tables:
Upsert refers to the process of updating an existing record or inserting a new record if it does not exist. It is an everyday use case in real-time data processing where the data might need to be updated with new information. In Flink, this can be achieved using Dynamic Tables, which provide a flexible way to interact with stateful data streams and tables in Flink.
Here is an example of how to implement upsert in dynamic tables using PyFlink:
from pyflink.datastream import StreamExecutionEnvironment, TimeCharacteristic
from pyflink.table import StreamTableEnvironment, DataTypes
from pyflink.table.descriptors import Schema, OldCsv, FileSystem
# create a StreamExecutionEnvironment and set the time characteristic to EventTime
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.get_execution_environment()
# create a StreamTableEnvironment
t_env = StreamTableEnvironment.create(env)
# register a dynamic table from the input stream with a unique key
t_env.connect(FileSystem().path("/tmp/sales_data.csv")) \\
.with_format(OldCsv().field("transaction_id", DataTypes.BIGINT())
.field("product", DataTypes.STRING())
.field("amount", DataTypes.DOUBLE())
.field("timestamp", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP())) \\
.with_schema(Schema().field("transaction_id", DataTypes.BIGINT())
.field("product", DataTypes.STRING())
.field("amount", DataTypes.DOUBLE())
.field("timestamp", DataTypes.TIMESTAMP())) \\
# specify the updates using a SQL query
update_sql = "UPDATE sales_table SET amount = new_amount " \\
"FROM (SELECT transaction_id, SUM(amount) AS new_amount " \\
"FROM sales_table GROUP BY transaction_id)"
# start the data processing and sink the result to a CSV file
In this example, we first create a StreamExecutionEnvironment and set the time characteristic to EventTime. Then, we create a StreamTableEnvironment and register a dynamic table from the input data stream using the connect method. Finally, the with_format method specifies the format of the input data and the with_schema method defines the schema of the data.
Next, we specify the updates using a SQL query. In this case, we are updating the amount field of the sales_table by summing up the amounts for each transaction ID. Finally, the sql_update method is used to apply the updates to the dynamic table.
Finally, we start the data processing and sink the result to a CSV file using the execute method.