Apache Cordova
Apache Cordova is a free, open-source framework that allows web developers to create native mobile apps for multiple platforms using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It's an application container with a web view that covers the entire device screen, and Cordova apps can install like native applications.
Apache Cordova is an open-source platform for developing mobile apps through web applications like HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Cordova is very useful to web-developers as they can turn their web pages to a web app with native app functionalities easily using Cordova. This is an extremely helpful feature as normal web apps don’t have this functionality.
Cordova is used to making cross-platform mobile applications and provides a wide range of plugins for better functionality of the app which is easy to embed.
The first component of Apache Cordova runs your HTML application in a mobile browser, while the second allows you to connect with mobile-specific hardware and APIs using JavaScript code. It all begins with the creation of a native shell, which then launches a mobile browser within a Mobile App and instructs the browser to open the HTML that was bundled with your Mobile App.