Apache airflow installation using Docker
Installing Apache Airflow using Docker is a straightforward and convenient way to set up and manage your Airflow environment. Docker allows you to containerize the Airflow application and its dependencies, ensuring a consistent and isolated environment across different systems. Here's a step-by-step guide to installing Apache Airflow using Docker:
Step 1: Install Docker
Before you start, make sure you have Docker installed on your system. You can download and install Docker from their official website: https://www.docker.com/get-started
Step 2: Prepare the Airflow Configuration
Create a folder on your local machine to store the Airflow configuration files. Inside the folder, create a docker-compose.yml file and an airflow folder for mounting volumes.
- make a directory using command prompt: mkdir Airflow- docker
- move into that directory and open vs code : cd Airflow- docker
???????????????????????cd Airflow- docker> code.(this will open vs code)
open this :https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/stable/howto/docker-compose/index.html website, you will get : Fetching docker-compose.yaml
move back to the terminal of your vs code write: Airflow- docker> curl 'https://airflow.apache.org/docs/apache-airflow/2.6.3/docker-compose.yaml' -o 'docker-compose.yaml'
above step will download the docker compose file , after this you should make 3 directory by this command:?
?mkdir dags
?mkdir logs
?mkdir plugins
after this you should write this command in your terminal of Airflow-docker directory is : docker compose up airflow-init (This is gonna take a while)
3. Start Airflow
Let's start the remainig services by using this command : docker compose up (Docker will automatically download the required images and set up the containers for Airflow, PostgreSQL, and other dependencies.)
- Now check all the services are up or not by using this command : docker ps?
4. Access Airflow UI
Once the containers are up and running, you can access the Airflow UI by opening your web browser and navigating to https://localhost:8080. You should see the Airflow dashboard, and from there, you can manage your workflows and DAGs.
After all this choose your favourite browser and open :localhost:8080
?you will see this?
?username: airflow
?password: airflow?
(This is how you can start your service)
- If you want to down the docker service use the following command: docker compose down
Thank you for reading this ??