APAC LNG market in a nutshell: Surging import prices took demand down, but did not curb infrastructure investments.
Enerdata, LNG prices

APAC LNG market in a nutshell: Surging import prices took demand down, but did not curb infrastructure investments.

More than half of global #LNG imports are concentrated in 5 Asian countries: Japan, China, South Korea, India, and Taiwan. Last year, the cutback of Russian gas supply to Europe led to a surging demand for LNG as a substitute, squeezing the volume available for developing countries. LNG spot price in Asia reached an all-time high by August 2022 up to $54 / MMBtu (nearly a 5-fold y-o-y rise). However, as LNG price recovered a two-year low in Q2, 2023, buying interests are flowing.

On the #Asianmarket, about one-third of LNG volumes are traded at spot prices. The rest is priced against crude-oil in long-term contracts. While LNG frenzy pulled spot prices up to record levels in 2022, crude prices tend to weaken. Therefore, the premium between spot prices and oil-pegged contracts widened. #Spotprices largely overcame contracted ones. Therefore, China and India, which usually buy massively from spot market, cut imports by 20% and 14% respectively, balancing through higher coal and oil consumption. However, the price impact was less important in Japan (which became the world # 1 importer, overtaking China despite a 3% drop in imports), South Korea and Taiwan since most of their purchases are under long-term agreements. Meanwhile, Australia, Malaysia, and Indonesia (respectively 3rd, 5th and 9th world LNG exporters) benefited from valuable market conditions on the supply side. The volume of exports increased by 7.5% in Australia and 9.8% in Malaysia, with profits hitting record levels.

In early 2023, the market adjusted. Reserves were maintained at reasonable levels due to warmer than expected winter conditions. Hence, LNG spot price in Asia dropped to a two-year low, just beneath $12/ MMBtu in May. Indonesia and Malaysia started to curb exports to ensure domestic supply. It now appears that the price reached a low-enough threshold to trigger buying interests, with China progressively returning to the market since Q2, 2023.

Our World LNG Database and Key Energy Intelligence service unveils an emergence of infrastructure projects, with new market entries:

  • The Philippines and Vietnam opened their first #LNGterminal (respectively 3 Mt/ year and 1 Mt/ year capacity). Commissioning cargo was delivered in April for the first and expected in July for the latest.
  • Over the last three months, plans for new LNG terminals were unveiled in South Korea, Hong Kong, Bangladesh (3 units) and Thailand.
  • 26 regasification facilities, with expected commissioning in 2023, are under construction in China for a cumulated capacity of 81 Mt/year.
  • China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and QatarEnergy have signed a 27-year sales and purchase agreement (SPA) for 4 Mt/year of LNG (June 2023).

Regasification capacities are expected to grow gradually among #APAC countries in the next few years. As prices recovered low levels in early 2023, it should trigger a gradual increase of demand on the short-term. In the meantime, the growing amount of purchases and projects commissioned in Asian economies brings massive profit perspectives for big exporters, namely Qatar, USA, and Australia.



