AP Stylebook Changes and How They Impact the Way You Write

AP Stylebook Changes and How They Impact the Way You Write

If you’re grammar nerds like us, you might know that the Associated Press is making some big changes to the new edition of the AP Stylebook. The biannual guide is primarily used for news writing, so it’s important for copywriters and marketers to have awareness of the changes, even if you aren’t using it on a regular basis. Becoming familiar with the main stylebooks, like AP Style, Chicago Manual of Style, and MLA Style, will help you tailor content to specific audiences and maintain consistency in your writing.?

The AP Stylebook's new rules and their importance

On May 29, the Associated Press will release the 57th edition of the AP Stylebook, with the grammar, spelling, and punctuation rules lasting until spring 2026. Here are the most significant changes:

AP's official dictionary switches to Merriam-Webster

For the first time in decades, the Associated Press (AP) changed their official dictionary, designating Merriam-Webster as the AP Stylebook’s main reference tool. This may not feel like a big deal, but this designated dictionary for a style guide has a large impact. If you follow the AP Stylebook and can’t locate a word, the way it’s listed in Merriam-Webster is officially AP Style. The former designated dictionary, Webster’s New World College Dictionary, is not as consistently updated as Merriam-Webster, giving AP Style users more accurate spelling, style, and usage information when they need it.?

Expanded guidance on climate change terms

As climate change becomes a larger part of our daily lives, the Associated Press deemed it appropriate to add new guidance on several terms to the stylebook. This includes new entries like community solar, geothermal, lithium ion, and energy transition. In large part, this is an effort to improve efficacy and accuracy of a complex and important topic.?

Many companies have sustainability statements, aligning their brand values with climate change efforts. If you’re going to make a statement on climate change to align with your target market’s values, this updated information will guide you on the proper terms to use and what they mean.

Updated guidance on terms Native Americans, Indigenous People(s), and American Indians

The Associated Press is sharing updated guidance on the terms Native Americans, Indigenous People(s), and American Indians, deeming which instances are appropriate to use each term. They suggest that reporters use “Native Americans” to “broadly refer to two or more people of different tribal affiliations within the contiguous United States.” They should not use the term to refer to individuals or multiple people from the same tribe.?

The new Stylebook advises against using the term “American Indians” unless “a tribal citizen uses the term to reference themselves or others” or it exists in a legal context or an organization’s name. “Indigenous people(s)” is appropriate as a broad description of “the original inhabitants of a place globally,” but should be more specific when possible.?

The guidelines for these terms are meant to streamline references in media to appropriately represent these specific groups. Consider these guidelines when crafting your DEI statements or making comments on issues related to these topics; ensuring you are using proper language will allow your audience to connect with you on a deeper level.?

Removal of hyphens on select prefixes

This is a common rule in other style guides, such as the Chicago Manual of Style and MLA, and the Associated Press is jumping on the bandwagon. The prefixes out-, post-, pre-, and re- no longer require hyphens. This change comes in tandem with the designation of Merriam-Webster as their official dictionary; removing hyphens will better align terminology with the dictionary. For other similar prefixes, writers should consult the AP Stylebook and Merriam-Webster for proper spelling and grammar.

Punctuation in bulleted lists

The Chicago Manual of Style recommends adding semicolons after each item in a bulleted list, whereas MLA does not require any punctuation. AP, on the other hand, is instituting a new rule: single words or phrases in a bulleted list do not require punctuation, but writers should add periods at the end of complete sentences.?

How to use this knowledge in your marketing efforts

As marketers, it’s important to understand updates to stylebooks for several reasons: it will help you be a more informed and effective writer, be more consistent in your writing across platforms, and view other pieces of writing with a more critical eye.?

Choose a style guide to follow

Don’t currently follow a style guide? It’s time to adopt one. In the United States, The Chicago Manual of Style and The Associated Press Stylebook are the most popular. Typically, news reporters, journalists, and news editors use the AP Stylebook, whereas the Chicago Manual of Style is reserved for publishers. But, the majority of writers don’t fall into either of these categories. If you’re one of these people in the middle, consider which style guide works best for your business and will be most receptive to your audience.?

Many businesses and organizations create their own style guide, modifying rules from the larger guides to fit their specific needs. In a homemade style guide, include details that are relevant to your business, such as the spelling and capitalization of your organization’s name. When you create your own style guide, also choose a universal style guide as a backup; if you don’t explicitly mention a rule in your guide, writers can reference the bigger one.?

Following a specific set of rules for your grammar and spelling will make your content look more professional and consistent, allowing you to strengthen your overall brand.?

Use AP Style when creating news-related content

When you’re writing to an audience of reporters, it’s best to use AP Style to appeal to them. They’re more likely to gravitate toward press releases, pitches, and other content that follows what they’re used to. Plus, it gives them and their editors less work to do when it comes to writing your story, maximizing the chances of them publishing your story.?

Consider AP Style when reading news stories

With an understanding of AP Style, you will be able to see news stories in a different light. Sources that abide by AP Style rules are more likely to be legitimate; if you see signs of obvious AP Style mistakes, you might want to choose another source to research and refer to. This background gives you the opportunity to look at news content with a more critical eye, helping you frame content for your own marketing needs.?

As content creators and marketers, it’s crucial to stay updated with the latest style guide changes to maintain consistency and professionalism in our writing. The new edition of the AP Stylebook introduces significant updates that can impact how we communicate about important topics. Ultimately, staying up-to-date on copywriting standards is an investment in our craft as writers and communicators.

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