Aoka's September Newsletter

Aoka's September Newsletter

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Welcome to another issue of Aoka’s monthly newsletter!

Thank you for being a part of this Community. Each month we deliver important news about the permitting industry right to your inbox. Keep up or be score!?

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Can changing the aim of building codes help us build more natural disaster-resistant buildings??

We have ways to build more natural disaster-resistant buildings. Tornados, fires, floods, and hurricanes do not have to destroy as many houses as they do or leave as many people homeless as they do. However, construction costs are a hard reality. What are the actual construction costs of natural disaster-resistant homes? Does that cost justify building less safer homes? What is the real trade-off on saving on construction costs now? Can changing the aim of building codes help solve this problem??

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State mandates on local code adoption - Who should have the power to decide what codes to adopt or modify??

Earlier this year, the state of Idaho banned localities from adopting stricter energy codes than the state allows, also giving the final say on the state's energy code to the legislature instead of the building code board. Now the legislature is hearing motions to significantly gut the state energy code, with a lot of backing to do away with them altogether. Who should have the power to decide what codes to adopt or modify? Should changes to the building code be allowed by popular demand??

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The demands of building inspection in urban areas and its impact on tenants?

A perspective on urban house maintenance and building inspection from a sociology professor shadowing building inspectors and code enforcement officers in Chicago. Why do building inspectors feel an affinity toward small landlords? What does this mean for the tenants? Is it within the power of building inspectors to help tenants??

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Aoka Engineering's virtual inspection increases efficiency and reduces cost for your jurisdiction through the merger of technology and experienced inspectors, allowing contractors to achieve their construction goals. Contact us to learn more.?

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