Aoka's November Newsletter
Welcome to another issue of Aoka’s monthly newsletter!
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A look at the effect of one of the toughest building codes in the nation on withstanding natural disasters like Hurricane Ian. Building codes properly decided on and enforced can protect homes, buildings, and lives.
A look at the significant re-haul that the Florida Building code went through after Hurricane Andrew killed 65 people and destroyed 25,524 homes. That preparation paid off during the recent Hurricane Ian where damage was greatly reduced.
Differences in how badly the homes were built before the code rehauls following Hurricane Andrew and after it is hit by storms like Ian are clear for everybody to see. But as the hurricanes grow in strength fueled by changes in the climate and temperature of the Gulf of Mexico, what further revamps are needed?
Aoka Engineering's plan review team reviewed over 50 Photo Voltaic (PV) projects this month to ensure PV installations are meeting the electrical and building codes. Our expert solar team provides a thorough and accurate review of plans to make health and safety a priority in small cities. Contact us to learn more.