Music is life. Life is music. -VENOM R1



I have not been so far, away from my music, for this long. I have been rehearsing and performing my art. Daily; as much as possible. But I am used to having at least my recording studio with me, where I can vent my thoughts. These past three months have been grueling. I have been attacked, from all sides, at all flanks; while I attempted to maneuver, through each obstacle.?

This reminds me of Dougie Howser MD.?

I remember thinking how cool it would be to have a computer where, I could write; at any time.?

It keeps me sane. Especially where I am; right now.?

I want to find the severance point, in my life; where I stopped being a kid. I was forced into manhood. Not adulthood. Meaning that, the world became this playground; for a child. Most of the most, influential people of my life; are dead and gone. And for obvious reasons. I grew up in the ghetto. The streets are undefeated.?

I learned very young, that death was always around the corner.?

Here I am; just trying to live a normal life, inside a world full of destruction and pain. My music changed everything. It allowed me to interact with my environment; differently. It does sadden me; to realize how much has been lost, and how much is gone. These are all past memories. With my music being my therapy; it has also become the way that I, look at life.?

It was my everything; and all I have ever had.?

I look at my music; as my oldest friend. I know that I was created in music. Music is all that I know. And due to things related to equipment, logistics; and the fact that I am traveling so much. It limits certain things that I can do. I still have released between four and five albums. But, that is a normality that I am used to doing; every few days.?

On a good note; I am still on my world wide tour. The first leg has been a learning experience. A few investments are set to finally mature, in a few more months. I will take all that I have learned; to continue on the second leg of the tour. This will be even better for several reasons.?

First things first. I have decided to mint my 5,000 song NFT, and place it for sale. As I finalize small things, I will still be performing publicly. I look forward to those events. I have a private jet now. Shit has definetly changed for your boy. Sadly; I have not been using it much. Actually; I cannot. I have to renegotiate certain aspects; once again. I also have more trips planned; for Asia. At this point; I have to divide things into separate elements; in order, for everything to function.?

The tour is one thing. The catalog for sale is another. Then, to top off all of those things; we have marketing and promotion. Those records, are to be cleared in those following months; so that they can be released. That is a separate project all in its own. With those records cleared, and formated for universal release; now the marketing can be rolled out. Its a very delicate dance. All has to work together. The tour requires money to continue rolling. The content creation, is all a part of it. The NFT sale is the golden ticket.?

That sale; simplifies everything.?

During that process; I still have business to run, on a daily basis. Alternatively; those releases do increase the value, of each event. Sequencing becomes the challenge. Out of my entire catalog; there are close to 500 records that I can release; thus sustaining the tour. It will generate passive incomes, as well as position me in the pallet for September.?

There are pockets of great income. For example; there are European Tour opportunities with some old friends; outside of mine. That is money up front; that I will put right back into my other events. The compromise there, is that those companies will have to make a profit as well. I am more flexible on that; as we speak.?

Before; I was very, over-protective.?

The cool part, is that the american records; will launch a separate tour; simultaneously.?

In the middle of all of this; is the NFT sale.?

I have to align with the desires of the auction house; to make it too good to pass up. This process has also been a two year negotiation. I have had the opportunity to view things from multiple angles; during the entire process. I tried other forms of selling, as well as leasing; the catalog. I reached out to perhaps; not the best people in the business. I finally decided to bring to the forefront; what was my insurance/ back up plan, all along.?

This far; my timing was off by about twenty one days. A perfect delay nonetheless. But, one I had to learn to deal with. I went through everything from mechanical failures, family dramas, investments and everything in between. I have grankids on the way. That; changed the course of everything. I now had a clear deadline; to make things happen.?

In the middle of all of this; is my retirement.?

The big one.?

This NFT sale has to be the foundation; for everything that follows. For example, all of those proceeds have to be re invested; for passive income. This way, all future negotiations, that stem from it; are adding to my portfolio/ long term.?

It sounds complex. But, I can understand it clearly. Sometimes, it can feel like its too much. But, I have no choice; any more.?

I get it. And I accept that most people will not understand. And that is also OK. I have to maintain all, of my focus. The venues that I have aligned; all have to be re negotiated. The sponsors that I removed from this part of my tour have returned. We went from 12 months, to five. Now back to twelve months. The record labels are not out. They are on a hold. The investment firms made some requests; and we are responding with hefty fees.?

That is the prices, and the costs of doing business. Not only for me but, also for them. I will try my best to explain briefly.?

We are going in.?

Connect and engage. Power through. Keep it thoro. - Prodigy from Mobb Deep

Construction boots; on. This is a hard hat area.?

I broke all the records and all of the rules. I created my own path and my own lane. 5,000 song catalog. Word Guinness Record. First artist to release his entire music catalog as an NFT collection. A first; in so many categories. I thought that getting certification, would be the way inside; everything that I wanted to do.?

In the mean time, I prepared for the tour. Where I would be performing these greatest hits; live for the public, but on my own terms, and my own accord. How would I do it? By challenging the powers that be. Live Nation and Ticketmaster, with their monopolies would be my natural competitors. I would secure every market that they overlooked, and any other potentialities, beneath their scope. Meaning; I would specifically aim, for all other venues that they did not control.?

The consensus is simplicity.?

Guinness taught me; skip the bullshit. Fuck all that. Fuck getting any certification; recognition and nonsense. Its not necessary. I can do my own thing. So. I decided to do my own thing. The block chain is the best certification and it is; instant.?

Those that know; know. Those that get it; get it. Those that don’t; too bad. Period. During this time; I am still at my rapid fire pace. I am releasing music; daily. I secure two other deals. United Masters and my historical 95/5. And then a label deal from Apple Music. They ask me for 20 masters.?

I have thousands.?

I link up with my new legal team. They make me previ, to international publishing. I learned that I could potentially be leaving extra money on the table. And a crazy amount like 15-21%. No, no; no. WE need to get this fixed. Another bonus is unlocked. I can place upto 10,000 songs on one publishing folder. I could use a few of those and accomplish all of my goals.??

Now, at this point; I have a clear mind set. I have a clear path; moving forward. But I have to be careful. I am still negotiating with all the major record labels. I am even reaching out, to all new characters; veterans of the music game. But, all new people to me; I had never even attempted to do business with.?

An old friend, advised a new friend; not to release music conventionally. When this happens; any new artist is compared to previous artists, within that market, and all relevant sales. By doing this, the record labels would have an advantage to dictate how they, themselves place a value on my, catalog.?

Instead of real market value. As I have pioneered. Through my very own technology. But, this did not just happen, out of the blue.?

I flew overseas to perform; during my media tours, in the Caribbean. There; I would be surprised by those, closest to me. I was betrayed and abandoned, in the middle of the storm; and the battle field.?

Learn my Son. Learn.?

I did my best. It took me over a month, to get back on track. It was an embarrassment. It was; the truth. This is how my own people; were, and how they truly are. I was just a nobody to them. They had no idea of what was to come. The narrative was set; in stone.?

A major event was held in Madison Square Garden. I was kept out. And an additional concert; right before it. Live Nation. Ticketmasters.?

But, another one is on the horizon. October 2, 2024. @ The Prudential Center.?

I had many safety systems in place. I had the NFT sales, in preparation. But, I also knew that no one was playing fair. If I purposely set my sights, on getting on the pallet for September. The Prudential Center would be mine; at zero cost, to me.?

This is when, I renegotiated the tour. To five months, instead of 12. I was upset, and I had every right to be; extremely upset. My lawyers also built a few safety systems, to aid in protecting my best interests; during this madness. Some people in my staff; quit out of the desperation. I do not agreee but,? I tried my best to understand.?

Even that hurt me, emotionally. I blocked it out, and never publicly expressed it. So. Here it goes.?

I, of course; forgave them. When those things worsened; overseas, it should not have surprised me. I am human. Hurt me, it did; very much.?

  • Master Yoda.?

I had legal battles, that also climaxed during this event. I had my biggest concet in the islands. 20,000 Paid seats. 100,000; absolutely for free. The country offered me several; national monuments. Another ace; in my sleeve. I flew several times, trying my best to be professional. But, there were dark hands at play; on purpose.?

Why would anyone try to close the doors on me??

Welcome to the music industry. Rule number one: “Don’t trust anyone”.

The labels were out. Each one had exhausted their proposals. The publishing houses took me for another spin. Then, I decided to go directly to the financial districts; through investment firms. I tried in the south, to secure a round of funding, and later decided on Asia. This is where I am still heading, once all of these other projects are seasoned. I want to show growth, in my portfolio, before I hold any meetings. They have expressed the highest interests. I have to master Mandarin.?

The reset button has been pressed.?

I have recieved 33 new tracks from one of my main producers. I only turned in 1 song. Its been several days. This has never happened to me before. All of those records would have had my vocals within days. I am over seas, and I do not have the equipment necessary. It may be months until I record again. That has never happened to me; in my entire career.?

This too; is a first.?

October 2, 2024 Is my political statement. The NFT sale has to be in full synchronicity. The tour has to provide the backdrop, to everything that I am performing live. And my entrance at The Prudential Center has to be epic.?


Yes. The NFT has to go on sale; this summer.?

I love you all. Thank you.?



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    This is the moment you have all been waiting for. All custom made by hand; by yours truly.



    There is nothing more important; else to say. And yes.



    Top of the morning World. We are here, starting our day.



    My NFT's are musical. Same Technology; New Utility.

