If anything like Big Bang really happened, why don't we have any videos to prove this claim? Neehar Sanadhaya
Neehar Sanadhaya
I am Zero I am Unity I am Infinity : “Exploring the Infinite: Philosopher, Mathematician, Thinker, and Seeker of Universal Truths”
Big bang does not happened. Further for any theory explaining origin is limited by time. the rate of change or action is has the speed of light. rest of the universe is just resultant. Mechanical system limits the range of observation of an event. Human makes the machines. whatever form one makes or invents are time dependent as the elements or metal or material wealth is time dependent.
To understand the origin one need go or move beyond the five lower dimensions. The highest two dimensions forms the resultant Universe. Those two dimensions are Intelligence or Unity while next is Knowledge through will, of surrounding/event.
The difference in the understanding causes diversity or Universe as it is. To Understand or make the video one need to have all the calculation/understanding of the event.
As Universe is relative to unity, or singularity, lower dimensions limits the understanding of information of event.
The one sitting at absolute rest will only be the one tell the correct and exact calculation or science. U
Our Universe exists as condition of positional existence. Unity changes to diversity, as the change of position takes place. Further it causes relative displacement, as Time, causing variation in observation an understanding, while forming diversified Universe. The length of the observation thus forms the later/next dimensions causing it to be within limits.
These limits thus causes the relative limited functioning of an event or its understanding. Information is same and exact, only its understanding varies with time forming universe of versatility and or diversity.
Thousands of civilization has lived on the earth, thousands are still waiting, while the only change is in understanding, literature, or sound, audio or video. Intelligence at highest point is same. it is Unity, unbounded, non dimensional existence knowing itself as self/event/object relatively. Universe exists in and as the positional function of Intelligence.
Neehar Sanadhaya
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