Is there anything to edit or delete?
John Alabi
I'm Your Emotional Intelligence & Practical Wisdom Coach {EIPWC} - Teaching You How to Live Life Skillfully, Circumstances Regardless.
As a writer, you probably lost counting re-writing and re-reading your manuscripts before final publication. In the process of reading and re-reading, writing and re-writing, checking and searching for right words, constructions, illustrations, grammar and ensuring harmony of sentences; all forms of errors are carefully edited and deleted just to have a masterpiece and/or perhaps ensure a global bestseller. In the same vein, last year, is a book with 365 pages, 12 chapters and 52 powerful topical adventures. Are you proud of the use, the investment of time and other resources in the year and can you be proud to publish same? If not, before you start writing another, take time out to have or do a thorough editing and deleting where necessary. I guess there could be one or two unprofitable and unproductive friends, people, places, partners, relationship, fellowship, company, attitude, character, manner, conversation, habit, chatting, pinging, association, belief, concepts, theories, philosophy, networks, books, movie, music, and etc that need to be edited or deleted out of your life. Work on this. Don’t just de-emphasize, delete them all. Remember, Lot was deleted like virus before Abram was asked to lift up his eyes!
Yours in the school of Wisdom