To Anyone Who Feels A Little Lost, It's Ok


Life can get really crazy sometimes. Especially being a young adult, it feels as though each year is more intense and difficult than the last. You just entered a new year and boom its December in such a short period of time. Occasionally it may feel as though you can't keep up and that you're falling behind when that's not the reality at all.

I promise you're doing everything just fine.

Even though it may seem like everyone around you is progressing through life at a faster pace, you know, those people with amazing jobs, stable relationships and a clear plan, I can almost guarantee that they feel lost too. People are always searching for something else and looking to others to see what they should be doing. 

But life isn't about checking things off of a list. It just doesn't work like that. 

I know it's difficult to navigate life, trust me, I do. It took me a while to really get a hold on my own life. And I don't have all the answers either. However, I want to help you remember that your life is yours and no one else's. Everyone Has Their Own Pace. I think this is the most important thing to remember when you feel like you aren't on the same track as everyone around you. It's easy to get swept up in the fact that everyone has things and you don't or that this person is graduating early and you're not, but you have to take a moment to consider if those things are right for you in that moment of your life.

Just because someone else has an internship doesn't mean you have to. People may have jobs lined up after college already, but that doesn't mean you won't find a job ever. Sometimes other people's success can feel like the end of the world, but it's really not. As long as you're doing the best you can with what you have, that's really all you can do. 








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