laxmi natraj
Author of 20 novels,, Short stories and poems,, short stories on Podcast and Toddler videos on you tube., An educator, Blogger, Expert at Path to, Winner of the 50 most influential Author of 2K19
April month is fast rolling out fast and monsoon is around the corner. At least in Mumbai, as usual, the corporation is doing a lot of work, cleaning drains and Nalla and is adding larger pipelines in the usual flooding places to save Mumbaikar from the oncoming floods. All these are very good moves. But why no one is caring for the rainwater harvest which will have a double benefit of avoiding the flooding and also help to save the fast-drying groundwater resources?
I am not an engineer and is not an expert to talk about this issue. But I am a simple citizen living in this city for forty years. Thus, I had watched sadly the erosion of the once green cover of Matunga and the Hindu colony today. All the lush green trees more than a hundred years old are cut down for the so-called redevelopment of small houses to tall towers. The compounds do not house a single tree now as every inch is taken away for development. Added to this tower constriction all the plain soil compound around the houses which housed flowering plants and bushes are now totally paved into shining concrete for the smooth movement of their cars. Thus, the loss of green covers and the radiation from the concrete structure and ground areas are increasing the warming up of the environment. Secondly, the paved cemented ground prevents the percolation and seepage of rainwater into the ground. Hence there will be more and more floods in future and soon there will be an utter shortage even drinking water.
With the increasing population, the need for the development of the old buildings into towers is unavoidable. But is it not the duty of the Government, that before permitting redevelopment why not make it mandatory of a few conditions. Like if trees are to be axed then the same number of trees are to be planted on the footpath in front of the same building. Using modern techniques actually, trees can be uprooted safely right out from their spots and can be replanted. This way many hundred-year-old trees with thick green cover can be saved. Till one year after the plantation when the trees had taken proper roots and started growing, the builders should not be allowed even to start the digging for their foundation. This is so simple and implementation will not cast even half the money which the NGO spends on their commercial videos.
The second part is every new building should compulsorily do a rain harvest. The huge volume of water pouring from their terrace etc could be collected through the pipes and fed into the underwater tank. The towers will also benefit from this as they mostly had to buy water from tankers and one monsoon can easily make up for their few months’ supply to the complex.
The other thing the Corporation can easily manage is to dig deep and narrow well-like structures at the corners of the point where a large water pool accumulates during heavy rain. These pits had to be securely covered with grilled covers to prevent people or cattle from falling into them by mistake. Such pit can be dug in the corner area of all public gardens and the private green areas of the tall towers. This will help the rainwater to flow underground and increases the decreasing groundwater level. Once the monsoon is over these pits can be covered back till the next monsoon.
Besides this in every building, the tap in the kitchen should be remodelled that water comes out at a very slow speed just a little better than tickling. In every house mostly maid, cook work in the kitchen and most of the time they keep the tap open for frequent washing. A gushing speed will also cause waste of water as that much speed is not needed. /the bathroom sinks should have pedal system taps and only should work only when pressed hard. This way water wasted while brushing etc. can be prevented.
Government should think and implement these changes with an iron hand immediately. Otherwise, just like today, the country is struggling for oxygen the future generation will also struggle for water.
These ideas may look wild but are not impossible. Instead of inventing a hundred types of software for cell phone luxury, it is time that every man thinks seriously about water for the future.
No amount of money men may hoard for their next-generation can get drinking water for their loved ones in future. It is high time that everyone starts thinking about this.