Is there anyone left to trust?
Michelle Barone
? Emotional Liberation Coach ? Guiding you through releasing limitations and learning to work with your emotions so that you can show up more fully in every area of your life.
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If you’re just getting to know me, my name is Michelle and I am an Emotional Liberation Coach.
I guide clients through releasing limitations and learning to work with their emotions so that they can show up more fully in every area of their lives.
Today we're going to talk about trust.
Who you can trust? What you can trust? Are you trustworthy??
? Hurricane Season ?
So June is the start of hurricane season here in Florida and it’s the perfect example for this topic.
Every season the meteorologists hype up the season ahead. When there’s a storm brewing, they lay the drama on thick. They’ll provide projections that end up nowhere even remotely close to the track the storm ends up taking.
Yet we trust them every year anyway.
Even if they get it completely wrong, by the time the next storm forms, we’re all ears.
Why do we not do that for our loved ones, coworkers, or boss? Why do we not do that for each other? And most importantly, why do we not do it for ourselves?
After all, just like in the weather, things could be going on with those around us that we're not aware of. Things that could impact their decisions and actions. Who are we to know??
But to judge someone else and then lose trust in them? Seems dramatic on our part.
? Trusting Others ?
When somebody does something that goes against what you thought they’d do, instead of a rash reaction of losing trust in them, ask some questions.
Consider what may be going on at a deeper level. Did something out of their control happen where they couldn't perform or show up in the way that they said they would?
For example, if you’re texting with someone and they stop responding but you see them active on social media, instead of getting defensive, consider that they may need a mental break. Consider that it doesn’t have anything to do with you. Assume that they’ll get back to you when they’re supposed to.
Before you're quick to judge someone else, look deeper at how they might be feeling. Look deeper at where it may be coming from.?
Now, this is not to excuse the behavior but understand it.
With that said, if your gut is telling you something about another person, believe it. This can look like moving forward cautiously and being aware until more information presents itself.
? Trusting Yourself ?
Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your intuition? Are you listening??
Are you listening to the nudges from a higher power (whichever it is that you believe in)??
I've talked to thousands of people who wanted help, were guided to a source to get help, but ultimately didn’t follow through because they didn't trust where the internal knowing came from.?
They didn’t trust what guided them to where they needed to be.?
If you're not able to trust yourself, keep your word to yourself, or respect yourself, that's a big problem.
We may have other people that love us and show up for us, but ultimately all we’ve got in this world is ourselves and our word.
If we're not being true to who we are then we're not showing up to life. This then causes a distrust within ourselves because we're not following through on:
We can't worry about the past or tomorrow, but we have a choice in every moment to show up, be the best person we can be, and trust ourselves to know who that is.?
A lot of times a distrust in ourselves comes from a situation in which someone hurt us or betrayed us and we feel at some level that it’s our fault for not knowing better.
But here’s the truth - you are not the same person you were a minute ago, let alone 10, 15, 20, 40+ years ago.?
Learning to trust yourself starts with trusting that you’ll know what to do in any given experience.?
Sometimes that means that we have to be vulnerable. Sometimes that means we have to let other people in. Sometimes that means doing something afraid.?
It means listening from within and trusting the path that we're on.
Even if the wind blows, a coconut tree falls, or there's chaos swirling around us, we have to know that we can be the calm in the chaos.?
And when you can do that, that means you have your own back. You've got the whole world in your hands when you can do that.?
? What does trust feel like? ?
We all have everything that we need inside of us. All of us.?
It’s our job to listen and be receptive. Listen and hear the intuition, the gut feelings, and the path that presents itself.
Trust is asking for a sign and listening to what you get, not asking for another.
Trust is knowing you’re going to hit every green light on the drive home and then you do.?
Trust is telling someone how you feel, even if your voice shakes.
Trust is sensing that “gut feeling” in your core and taking action to make it happen that way for yourself.?
Trust is knowing that everything will be alright.
Trust is believing that you already have everything you need inside of you.
Trust is making a decision and finding out the reasons later (or not at all).
One of the best ways to rediscover trust is to set time aside each day to get in touch with your inner voice. That may look like meditation or prayer.
You want to really listen and follow the guidance you receive - whatever it says for you to do, wherever it guides you to go.
But remember, it always has to come from the heart, not from fear.?
If this proves difficult for you or you don’t know where to even start, you're on a loop, and/or you want off the merry-go-round, there are always opportunities to get help.
Truth be told, I spent years unraveling the chaos in my mind. I burned through books and videos and motivational speakers, you name it.
Now I'm here to make it more efficient and more effective for you. So you can skip the years and get right to the good stuff.
I used to run a volunteer program in healthcare and I used to tell the volunteers all the time - strong people ask for help.?
The ego says, “No, I don’t need help. I'm gonna do it myself. I'm just gonna trial and error it. I’m going to do it all on my own.”?
Instead, listen to your intuition. Listen to who or what you’re guided to.
If that’s me, I’m happy to help. Step one is simply to book a free call so we can start with a chat.
If you’re not sure yet, that’s cool too. Stick around, follow the newsletter, join my email list, and catch my weekly lives. I’m always sharing new perspectives, ideas, and thoughts.