Anyone else noticing all the trash?
There has been a marked increase in trash on the roads I travel; the shopping parking lots; on my country road; loads of trash talk and road rage.
We are what we do and think. It cannot be any other way. The time to take action on what we are noticing is right now. So this weekend, I will be out with my trash bag and my country road. I want to be part of the solution not the problem. Did I throw the trash on the roads? Nope, but I can help keep it cleaner because I notice and I care.
Being angry about the trash does not make it go away. Now that is disappointing because we all seem to be have some big levels of anger. Being just angry has not helped, so I am holding tight to my idea that cleaner roadsides will make me happy…and will make you happy too.
May I help?????[email protected]