Anyone can make a great presentation
Whenever I used to look for advice online about making a good presentation, it always frustrated me not to find any that was actionable. It’s all very good to say that you need to create a good story, that you shouldn’t overload your slides and there should be a clear call to action. But how does one go about doing that? That was a question that never got answered. So, when I had a reached a level of mastery that people were asking me how I did it, it made me think about my process for the first time. So I created this.
I challenged myself to create a framework that provided guidance by showing my methods in the process. I opened with a bold statement: “anyone can make a great presentation…”, which catches the eye and draws you in. But then you see the caveat that accompanies the bold statement: “…you just need to put in the time and effort”. I know this might sound a bit smug, but you knew this already. There aren’t really any shortcuts in life so why would you think that this would be any different.
After this opening, we immediately get into the heart of the matter in the next slide, while a diagram of the framework. One could completely ignore the rest of the presentation if this framework diagram gave them everything they needed. But for those who seek more guidance we break down each part of the diagram in subsequent slides.
So, what is the framework trying to say?
First, we break down the process into its main parts
Then, we deep dive into each of these 3 parts
Build your story
If you are trying to create a slide deck for a monthly report and you read that you first need to build your story, you might rightly ask what the hell does that mean. I’m so glad you asked because it’s not as much of an alien concept as you might think it is.
Present your story
I have created a checklist of “technical” ppt skills categorized from Level 1 to 4 based on my own experience of them. I have provided illustrations of these within the deck and I’ll break them down in more detail in future posts.
Keep practicing
In this section, I have put forward some suggestions of opportunities you can use to keep practicing.
I hope this was useful. Let me know in the comments what you think and if you have some ideas of your own about making great presentations.