Anyone can help Imagine for Margo

Anyone can help Imagine for Margo

Dear All,

You will find below a link to donate to Imagine For Margo, a charity raising funds to finance research against pediatric cancer.

I support this association, as my brother and his wife lost their 4 year old son in 2013 from a brain cancer. As you may imagine this was a terrible loss for our entire family and especially for my son Gauthier who was very close to him.

I believe that a network is not only meant to share success but is also a means to support causes which may help one of us in the future. That's why I am writing to you all today !

Every donation counts, if you believe that you can help, please donate through the link below.

Go, Fight, Win !

Many thanks


#couronsolidaire #enfantssanscancer #runningmotivation #fightkidscancer #gofightwin #charity #research #share #imagineformargo


