Anybody can CODE!
How many of you hear these sentences about programmers. "They are Intelligent,can hack your computers, logical thinkers,.etc".
Do you think only the person who posses logical skill can only code?
Do you think, if you want to code, you need to sacrifice your sleeping hours by coding?
Do you think, that to become a programmer, you need any better graduation?
Do you think, that intelligent people or out side box thinkers only can code?
Do you think, writing programming is a kind of skill that should posses within you by birth to become a successful programmer?
Do you think, that you need to have logical skills to write code?
Well, you can ask plenty of questions such a way that. But for all the questions my answer is NO. Just know the rules and play the game accordingly. I just want to highlight 2 points here to justify my Title.
1. Programming Languages evolution
Every programming languages have their own rules and regulations, know their rules first and follow it. The problem that many people still struggling to write a code is they are not aware of the rules of the game fully. Nowdays all the programming language becoming independent. you dont need to know from the basics COBOL, C or C++ to become a programmer. If you want to learn python you can learn straight away with out acquiring ancient languages. Moreover all the functionality, you can get it from internet as a third party library.
2. Internet Popularity
Since Internet become so popular across the world, everybody knows how to use the computer and internet and everyone aware of some common computer terms such as website, server, programming languages, hosting, etc. In previous days, we used to learn these things in school or college in a separate subjects. now days these words become so common and everyone using it commonly. moreover all tutorials available in the internet, you dont need to go for the library to acquire.