Any time soon that Greater BayArea (HK-Macau-Mainland) is able to follow suit?
Effective July 2024, Florida operators will only need to carry an operating permit based on the location of their company’s legal address. This saves companies thousands of dollars and will eliminate hassles from enforcement agencies. “A new day has dawned for operators in the state of Florida! This has been one of our pain points for decades. Thanks goes out to the outstanding efforts of the FLA 2 Legislative Committee: Rick Versace, Randy Smith, Tim Rose, Larry Greene, and Tom Halsnik, as well as our entire board, staff, and lobbyist Matthew Blair.”, states Sara Eastwood-Richardson, FLA Executive Director. Rick Versace, FLA President points out, “The FLA will be hosting a super session at our big event on June 25-26 at the Palm Beach Convention Center, called the Florida Transportation Show. At this meeting the FLA leadership will guide operators on how to go about getting their company(s) ready for this major change. Mark your calendars and make sure you are in attendance so you know exactly what to do.” “This is excellent news! I am thrilled to be associated with the FLA. You will have my membership for life and I expect all Florida operators will rally to your support as well. Thank you for a job well done,” enthused Fernando Carlison, owner of Mundi in the Miami region.