Any tech entrepreneurs out there?
I'm not one of those people, so all you public-spirited CEOs can have this simple yet clever idea for free.
Proposition: the next generation of smartphone, tablets and PCs should have the camera positioned at eye-level, behind the screen.
This would restore at a stroke the much-missed human ability to look a person in the eye when you talk to them, even when the conversation is via zoom or similar.
It would also make it a lot easier and more natural to record talking-head videos on your webcam or Smartphone. You could just look at the screen in a natural way, rather than achieving eyeline by forcing yourself to stare unnaturally at a tiny circle at the top left of the screen, rather than looking at the screen in a natural way.
Smartphones could even have two selfie-side cameras instead of one, one positioned at 'Portrait' mode eye-level, the other at 'Landscape' mode eye-level. (They could still have a camera the other side of the phone, for when you want to shoot away from you.)
My 27-year-old son has just scoffed at my idea, saying it would be irritating to have a screen with a little hole in it.
Would it? What do people think? The technology for this idea mostly exists already, and it would make a huge difference to communication if we could get it right.