Are there any reliable financial market forecasts?

Are there any reliable financial market forecasts?


We all get market information, some the opposite of each other. Even Nigel Farage has joined the bandwagon with a newsletter.?And of course, there is a few that will shout about being absolutely right in twelve months.?A deafening silence from all the others.?

?You could read thousands of books (I have!) to try to find something that’s useful. I can honestly say that ninety-five per cent are a waste of money.?A few are always welcome, one such being the US-based ‘Stock Traders Almanac’ published annually. It has a mass of useful information.?

?For example, and no short-term-isms here, one fascinating statistic is investing $10,000 in 1950.?Following one set of simple criteria by 2021, it was worth £13,000.?Hmmm. Following another simple set of criteria, it was worth $1,132,837 by 2021. Wow. And it gets better; using a few more simple criteria, it was worth $3,066,507 by 2021.?That is a process worth knowing.

?Are there others? Statisticians are hard at work.?Did you know that the DOW (Dow Jones Industrial Average) gained 23,639 points between September 2nd 1997, and May 20th 2022??Incredibly, 8.910 of those points were gained on the first trading day of each month during that time. What that means is +8,901 points over 297 days.?The other 6,222 days gained by far less.?The first day gained an average of 30 points, whereas the other days just 2 points. ?Well, well.

?These and many other stats are used in the Azaries systems. It’s a professional tool to make market trades daily.?Feel free to browse the Azaries website at questions are welcome.

?Stephen Cole, CEO, Azaries, 2022, [email protected]

Azaries is an award-winning investment technology. The software powers the Pantiles Wealth Creation LLP investment fund launching in 2023.


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