Any relevance of celebrating WED- When Air Pollution killing us every day
Dr. Anil Jaggi, PhD
ICT4D ! CSR ! Writer & Author ! SDG Enthusiast ! Social Entrepreneur
Another “Word Environment Day (WED)” is over with big bang. Great to see, many more initiatives are taken by responsible Govt., NGOs, CSOs, Corporate and Individuals. Social Media was also full of Pics/Selfies showing individual steps from all corners.
Yet, I don’t know how much plastic was used on this day to put large size banner (flex), arranging Mineral water bottles (plastic) & keeping our media busy to cover such programs. Its great, but I think instead of having such gala programs , something at ground level should also be started.
WED is big day and celebrations are there for the past many years, but despite of all that our Air n Water pollution is going up n up every day, taking many lives, expensive SUVs are crawling on narrow roads. Trees/forests are cutting down for personal gains, giving passage to greedy builders.
My submission here is that along with celebrating WED, we must watch the improvement in quality of life till date & to finds that “Is year 2019 better” in terms of Green Cover, fresh air & water quality and preservation of our water bodies. Then only we can say that world in going in right direction and WED has some relevance.
We have to understand that its high time, we just don’t Protect the environment, but create a world where the environment does not need the protection.
Happy to share 2 media reports showing us the way-