Any Man Can Be a Father, But Not Every Father is a Dad
David and Rielly Rudolph

Any Man Can Be a Father, But Not Every Father is a Dad

Since my father passed away six years ago Father’s Day has been complicated for me. On Father's Day I appreciate all the well-wishes but quietly there is an emptiness and sadness that hits me when I wish I could have one more day with my father.

After reading the cards, text messages, answering phone calls, and going out to brunch there is a moment when I retreat to a private place and I find myself fighting to hold back tears. Tears of heartbreak and then tears of thanksgiving for the gift God has given me - the opportunity and honor ?to be a dad. My daughter Rielly is God’s gift to me. She is my only child and legacy that is my gift to the world.

I’m reminded of something my father use to tell me - I am sure was said he was filling under appreciated by his son “David any man can be a father, but not every father is a dad.” Back then my dad's profound thoughts came off like Master Yoda trying to teach a young Jedi the power of the Force. Today I am thinking of my father's peals of wisdom as I'm spending time with my daughter. Dad was right, there is more to fatherhood than just being a XY chromosome donor. Normally that is the fun and easy part if you catch my drift. However, for my wife and I the process was more clinical to get pregnant. What I absolutely know now as an adult than I had as a child, is becoming a dad is one of the most challenging and rewarding jobs a man can have. I get to nurture a beautiful human being that is my daughter into a blossoming adult. Wow, that's my real accomplishment in life.

To all the fathers, paternal dads, uncles and men who stand tall and remain forever committed in to raising the next generation, I wish you a Happy Father’s Day.


