Any idea what it means at D+1 ?
Illustrations- Renard - in ‘Cyberattack! A nightmare journey into the digital unknown'

Any idea what it means at D+1 ?

The Day after the attack.... Early afternoon...

The minutes tick by slowly and it’s becoming a challenge to sit in silence, just waiting for something to happen.

The tension is rising. Panic is beginning to set in. Things need to start happening; we can’t stay like this. I have to communicate. If I can’t communicate, I am nothing. Or at least my work is nothing.

At lunchtime I decide to get hold of some of the phone numbers of my colleagues so we can discuss about what’s going on. I’m not hungry anyway, plus if everything starts working again suddenly, I’d prefer to be in the starting blocks ready to get back to work. But before that, I need some numbers.

First problem: how am I going to get them when the company directory is online? The only way to access it is with my work computer (which is still very much on lockdown) or with my smartphone (which still has no access to our internal networks). I start thinking nostalgically about the big local phone directory we had at home when I was a child. I let myself drift into a daydream about all of these numbers listed one after the other, neatly organized in alphabetical order. No need to worry about viruses. The directory always worked perfectly. Except in the case of a fire. I remember the incredibly thin paper that you had to be so careful with when turning the page, otherwise you’d tear it. And there was the very particular scent of the ink on the paper that would float up off the oversized page and ignite my senses. You don’t get that when you search an online directory. I admit that sometimes I’d stare for a little too long at certain colleagues’ profile photos. And I have noticed that the photo of the girl on the 3rd floor looks nothing like the real person I see in the cafeteria during lunch.

I awaken from my daydream. Being in a nostalgic trance like that at work is probably not a good idea. Everything is still as silent as before. There’s nothing happening at all as the big black empty screen of my computer constantly reminds me.

Wants to know more ? Read ? Cyberattack! ? , text : Angeline Vagabulle, Illustrations : Renard, Preface : General Marc Watin-Augouard - English edition available on all Amazon domains.


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