Any goals this year?
What intrigues me the most are the ones who say they really don't know?
They're stuck, they keep their head down, accept life, it is what it is, they follow.
The time has come to declare all out war on just existing. On following friends, listening to negativity, falling asleep as life is unfolding.
Imagine a ship with no Captain, a football game with no goal posts.
Very few have specific measurable goals, and most don't have them written down.
A few years back, Havard carried out a study on goal setting with their graduate students and the results were remarkable.
3% had clear written goals, 13% had unwritten goals (but in their minds) and 84% had no goals whatsoever.
10 years later... they checked in with those same students and found that the 13% (unwritten goals) earned twice as much as the 84% (no goals).
The 3% (clear written goals)? Well, they earned 10 times more than the 97%.
If you don't have a plan, where are you going?
It's time to take responsibility for your life and I'm here to support you. Ask yourself this one question...
What do I want?
And that's the start...
Ever heard that you don't get in life what you want, but you get what you are? Attack your dreams to the drums of war, the battle has begum and change is waiting.
Your coach is waiting.