At Any Given Moment, Anything Is Possible

At Any Given Moment, Anything Is Possible

What Is True is that in any given moment in time, no matter how things may look to you, no matter what may appear to be insurmountable to you, no matter what the odds against you might be, literally anything is possible.

Realize right now that you don’t know everything. You don’t, not even close.

Realize how boring and predictable life would be if you did know everything.

Realize that your entire life would be predicated upon a singular, linear, predictable track if you did know everything.

So, thank God you don’t!

Scripted Life

It’s true that a lot of things in life are predictable, and gladly so. We know the sun will come up, traffic will be heavy, and people will still be needing goods & services every day. Nature never ceases and we are a part of that nature, no matter how far removed we may seem.

The ebb and flow of life never ceases. The current continues, always onwards, always moving, never ceasing.

However, where it all goes wrong is when we allow our lives to become this linear, static script. This is what some ancient cultures refer to as the ‘1,000 deaths.’ It’s where you die inside a little bit every day. This is a slow asphyxiation of the soul. The magic is slowly leeched out of your life by the same, monotonous, daily life routine.

Eventually, we’ve cut this grove into life that is so deep we don’t know how to climb out of it. This leads to a predictable, linear life that starts to lose its magic.

The Magic

There is a certain type of magic that a few rare individuals enjoy utilizing to enhance their lives on a consistent basis. This is the magic of the unknown. This is the magic of knowing that you don’t know.

When you don’t know what can happen then, by implication, it allows for the potential of the unknown to enter into your life. Allowing for the participation of the unknown is akin to allowing miracles the possibility of playing a role in your life.

Any Given Moment

When you allow for the possibility of miracles it means that magic can enter into your life again. I say again, because, when you were a child, you had this knowing and ability. Over time and years of indoctrination, we lost touch with our inner child and the magic of possibility. Yet, there are those entrepreneurs, artists, and athletes who tap into this ability on a consistent basis.

How this translates is that they know the game, they understand the rules, but they also allow for the possibility to transcend the rules. This means they allow for something amazing and unpredictable to happen.

They may plan, practice, and take action, however they also allow for the unknown.

They do this by allowing, acknowledging, and honoring their inner child. They are dedicated to their goals, but not too serious to laugh, joke, and play. They make sure to nourish their inner child with laughter and fun.

In turn, nourishing their inner child becomes the gateway to possibility.

It’s a subtle shift, but a powerful one. You get there by remembering that anything is possible.

Say out loud to yourself, if you dare: “I know that anything is possible, and I’m open to something amazing happening today!”

Say it out loud with feeling, I dare you.

And remember to laugh and play along the way.

#possibilities #limitless #meditation #play #innerchild

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